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Graduate Engineer/Bachelor of Civil Engineering/Architecture

Stand: 28.05.2024

Are you interested in a new challenge and there is currently no suitable vacancy? You are welcome to send us an unsolicited application!

Have you completed one of the degree programs listed below and are interested in working for the City of Erlangen?

We look forward to receiving your application via our applicant management system or send your documents directly to personalamt@stadt.erlangen.de.

Degree course:

  • a degree in civil engineering (Diplom-Ingenieur*in (FH) or Bachelor's degree in civil engineering
  • a degree as a Diplom-Ingenieur*in (FH) or Bachelor's degree in structural engineering or architecture
  • the career qualification for the third qualification level of the natural science and technology career path, specializing in civil engineering and environmental management services
  • a comparable engineering degree (FH or Bachelor's degree)
  • a university degree (university or master's degree) in the above-mentioned fields of study

If you do not have any of the above qualifications, we will not be able to consider your application to Erlangen City Council.

Important information:

  1. The City of Erlangen offers you the opportunity to submit an unsolicited application; this advertisement is not based on actual job requirements. We publish specific job advertisements separately via Interamt.
  2. We ask you to use the online platform www.interamt.de or the e-mail address personalamt@stadt.erlangen.de

What happens after I send my unsolicited application?

If you send us an unsolicited application, your documents will be included in an unsolicited application pool. Your complete application documents will be reviewed by us as a first step, after which we will check whether you can be considered for an advertised position. If this is not the case, your unsolicited application will initially be kept in the application process for a certain period of time. If a vacancy arises during this period for which you are suitable, you will be informed immediately. Otherwise, we will unfortunately have to reject your unsolicited application.

We see diversity as an enrichment and are committed to equal opportunities. In principle, all positions are part-time. People with severe disabilities will be given priority if they are equally suitable.