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Participation report of the social department

Stand: 28.05.2024

Living conditions and opportunities for participation in Erlangen

The Social Department of the City of Erlangen has compiled a report on opportunities for participation in Erlangen for the first time. Under the guiding principle that justice means equal opportunities for all people, the participation report highlights problems, challenges and the need for action on issues such as poverty, (long-term) unemployment, housing, the need for care, social differences in the city's districts and opportunities for participation.

The Council for Social Justice Erlangen was involved in the preparation of the report. The matrix group was also commissioned to conduct interviews with people in difficult circumstances. The results of these discussions are also included in the report.

The report has been published in a short and a long version. A version in plain language is also being prepared.

The reports can be downloaded from the following pages:

Council for Social Justice Erlangen

matrix group

Division V - Youth, Family and Social Affairs

Head of unit: Dieter Rosner


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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