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Counseling.Education.Encounter. (TripleB)

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben Behinderter ZSL e.V. is an association for people with disabilities. It promotes self-determination and participation through various areas of work and projects with the aim of improving the living conditions of people with disabilities in the entire social area.

The department "TripleB - Beratung.Bildung.Begegnung." (formerly "Beratungsstelle") is a service of open work with the disabled (OBA), funded by the district of Middle Franconia and the Bavarian State Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Family and Integration. The focus is on free advice based on the principle of peer counseling, i.e. qualified people with disabilities advise (mainly) other people with disabilities. However, the service is also explicitly aimed at relatives, employers, institutions, organizations and other contact persons of people with disabilities. In addition to advice, the range of services also includes inclusive education and encounter measures, as well as networking and public relations work.

Advice topics and services

  • Advice and information on all topics that may arise in connection with a disability
  • Lectures, training courses and workshops on
  • disability topics
  • Leisure, educational and social activities
  • Networking and public relations work
  • Volunteering / voluntary services for people with and without disabilities

Further information and contact:

ZSL e.V. TripleB