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Implementation of IKSK (2020 - 2023)

Stand: 28.05.2024

The city of Erlangen's climate protection concept is intended to continue and strategically summarize the existing findings on climate protection with the participation of all stakeholders

Content and goal:

The climate protection concept contains various measures for this purpose, many of which are to be driven forward by climate protection management. Under point 1.1.1 of the action sheets, the area of responsibility is described as follows: "Acceptance, coordination and commitment from all stakeholders is absolutely essential for the continuation and implementation of the climate protection concept. The position of climate protection and energy officer already exists in the City of Erlangen's environmental department for this purpose. By expanding the existing position to include a climate protection manager, the coordination of projects, support for campaigns, the preparation of city council resolutions, the establishment of networks, etc. will be significantly strengthened and the climate protection activities initiated will be strongly promoted."

The task of the climate protection manager, who was hired on June 1, 2020, is to coordinate and support the implementation of the measures in the integrated climate protection concept.

National climate protection initiative

With the National Climate Initiative, the Federal Ministry for the Environment has been initiating and funding numerous projects that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions since 2008. Its programs and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate protection activities: From the development of long-term strategies to concrete assistance and investment support measures. This diversity is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Initiative helps to anchor climate protection on the ground. It benefits consumers as well as companies, local authorities and educational institutions.