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Events organized by the senior citizens' advisory board at the vhs Erlangen

Stand: 25.06.2024

There are also many events in the summer semester in cooperation with the Seniors' Advisory Council

Take a look at the vhs Erlangen program and take part in our joint events:

24S204001 Ticket machine and VGN app

24S204002 Rollator training on the bus in Tennenlohe

24S204005 Rollator training in the vhs courtyard (with the police, an occupational therapist and TV 48)

24S204025 Themed breakfast "Heat"

24S204030 Opportunities on the job market for older people - continuing to work as a pensioner

24S204032 It's an honor: Commitment to society

24S204034 A different way of living in old age: active in the community

24S204036 Active age(ing) = healthy age(ing)

24S204038 What you always wanted to know about "Sex in old age".

Find out more on the vhs Erlangen website: www.vhs-erlangen.de

Seniors' Advisory Council Office


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr