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Confidential forensics

Stand: 28.05.2024

Anyone who has experienced sexualized violence can have the evidence recorded at Erlangen University Hospital for possible later reporting without having to decide directly for or against reporting.

Many victims of sexualized violence initially find it very difficult to talk about what they have experienced or to report the crime to the police. Shame, self-blame or fear often play a role.
This is a completely normal reaction!

In this situation, however, it is important to secure evidence as quickly as possible for later reporting. With so-called confidential forensics, this can be done without having to decide directly for or against pressing charges.

Confidential evidence recovery is free of charge.

In Erlangen, you can have confidential forensics carried out in the following departments of the University Hospital:

Further information: Confidential forensics in Middle Franconia - Equal Opportunities Office of the City of Nuremberg (nuernberg.de)