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Waldorf Kindergarten Pfaffweg

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Waldorf kindergarten in Pfaffweg is home to one group of children.

Age of children in care: 3 to 7
Sponsor: Waldorfkindergarten Erlangen e. V.

About the facility

The Bergwichtel am Burgberg forest group is the newest group of the Waldorfkindergarten Erlangen e. V. It started in September 2021 and is located on the Burgberg in Erlangen.

A total of 20 - 25 children are happy to be part of the Bergwichtel every day.

You can find more information about the forest group at: waldorfkindergarten-erlangen.de/waldgruppe

Further information about the Waldorf kindergarten can be found at: waldorfkindergarten-erlangen.de

Opening hours

Daily from 7:30 to 15:00.


Pfaffweg 4
91054 Erlangen

Tel +49 (0) 9131 67455
Fax +49 (0) 9131 685561