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How do I book sign language interpreting?

Stand: 28.05.2024

For deaf people, sign language interpreting is often the only way to understand content. German sign language is therefore part of accessibility.

How can I find a sign language interpreter?

The District Association of the Deaf in Middle Franconia operates an interpreter placement service. Inquiries and placement requests can be made via this placement center.

Important here:

  • The reservation of a sign language interpreter should be made well in advance (preferably a few weeks in advance!).
  • The fee rate for the interpreter is €75/hour, the same rate is charged for travel time.
  • Depending on the level of difficulty of the event content, two interpreters should be scheduled for longer events (lasting more than 90 minutes).

If you offer German Sign Language, it is of course worth mentioning this in the public relations work for your event! If you have any further questions about sign language interpreting, please contact the Inclusion Unit at the Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity.