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Housing report 2022

Stand: 28.05.2024

It provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation on the housing market. Development trends are highlighted and the city's actions in the various areas of housing policy are presented.

The number of subsidized apartments in Erlangen has increased significantly. This is shown in the Housing Report 2022 for the city of Erlangen. It was published by the Department of Planning and Building.

In 2021, there were 3,478 subsidized rental apartments in Erlangen. That is 4.5 percent more than in the previous year. In 2021, almost 46 percent of the households registered were able to find a subsidized rental apartment. In 2019, this figure was still at 21%.

"Housing is undoubtedly the social issue of our time, and the city of Erlangen is facing major challenges to meet the demand for housing. GEWOBAU has played an important role in this and its efforts have borne fruit. In addition, the requirement that stipulates the proportion of subsidized apartments in new construction projects is having an effect."

Lord Mayor Florian Janik

Wohnung leerThe subsidized housing benefits people who receive social benefits. But also those with an average income. Nevertheless, the major challenge of creating more affordable housing remains. Inflation and the energy crisis, as well as global crises and wars that lead to more displacement, are putting pressure on the housing market. Prices in Erlangen are among the highest in Bavaria. Both in terms of rent and the purchase price of properties.

In the period from 2011 to 2021, an average of 470 new apartments were created in Erlangen each year.

"Although this is significant progress, we would need 740 apartments per year to meet the growing demand. Despite the city's efforts, the demand for housing cannot currently be fully met."

Planning and building officer Josef Weber

To counter the housing problem, the city of Erlangen is focusing on moderate densification of existing buildings. This includes

  • the mobilization of gaps between buildings through a building land register
  • the activation of further potential such as single-storey buildings and parking lots and
  • the reuse of brownfield sites.

These measures should help to use the existing space more efficiently and create new living space. However, as the further development of new building areas in the west of the city was rejected in a referendum, there is currently a lack of prospects for larger residential developments in outlying areas. An integrated urban development concept is therefore to be drawn up for the future. It is intended to provide answers to this pressing question.

The report is published every two years. It can be downloaded in PDF format. Printed copies can also be obtained free of charge from the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility.

Department of Urban Planning


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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