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Ten clubs successfully change their structures

Stand: 28.05.2024

"Coaching" supports the work. Clubs can still apply for the next round until May 15.

A coaching session for associations in the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt and in the city of Erlangen ended a few days ago. It was organized by the municipal office for civic participation and volunteering. A total of ten clubs took part. At the final meeting, they reviewed the process of the last nine months.

Structural changes take time and make work

The range of topics was wide, but commonalities were the revision of the statutes as the heart of the association and conflicts between different generations in the association. The process ensured that associations gained more clarity in their structures and conflicts. All club representatives agreed that structural changes take a lot of time and work. However, the result was worth the effort and there were positive side effects.

Apply for the next coaching session by May 15

The successful format is supported by Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen Höchstadt Herzogenaurach. If clubs from Erlangen or the Erlangen-Höchstadt district want to benefit from this offer, they can apply for the new coaching program in 2024/2025. The last places are still available until May 15. Information on the Internet at: https://engagiert-in-erlangen.de/aktuelles/coaching-fuer-vereine.

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Office for Citizen Participation and Volunteering


Hauptstraße 48
91054 Erlangen


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