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Together you are less alone - "List" against loneliness

Stand: 25.06.2024

Meeting places to combat loneliness in Erlangen and offers from the district of Middle Franconia

We have compiled a small list of different meeting places for you that you could visit again and again. Why not take a look?

If you don't want to go to an event or meeting alone, ask a friend or someone from the neighborhood to go with you.

It's often much easier to find someone to go with you than you think. Perhaps your best friend or your nice neighbor has long wanted to go themselves but didn't have any company.

Is there perhaps one or the other person you have been greeting (even if only with your head) or even smiling at for a long time when shopping in your local corner store or supermarket? And what if you now ask this person without obligation if they would like to go with you? This could lead to a companionship. Why not?

Our locations:

  • Café Kränzchen at the central cemetery, in Büchenbach and Uttenreuth
  • Altstadt meets Burgberg with storytelling café Stadtviertelgeschichten and neighborhood breakfast
  • Springboards - Bistro Dreycedern
  • SpielRaum - supervised play meeting point
  • Living for help
  • wabene with bistro, offers such as regulars' table, breakfast meeting
  • Open door Erlangen
  • Center for self-determined living for the disabled - ZSL
  • sharing house
  • Lunch table "Tischlein deck dich".

The complete list with detailed information and contact persons is not barrier-free. You can receive it by e-mail from the office.

The district of Middle Franconia would like to draw your attention to the following offers:


As we get older, we are more likely to have to accept farewells and losses because these occur more frequently. These include, for example, retirement, an increase in illnesses and limitations, the loss of loved ones and letting go of previous habits. The radius of movement in old age becomes smaller, doubts can increase, strength can dry up. We cope better with some things, worse with others. But one thing is constant in all situations in life: support can help!

Sometimes small steps are particularly difficult, but they can open up new paths.

Don't hesitate, give us a call and take the first step.

Just talk:

Ways out of the crisis:
Telephone counseling - we listen.
Counseling service: free of charge, anonymous
365 days a year, 24 hours a day
Telephone: 0800 1110-111 or -222

Telephone angels - conversations against loneliness in old age
Retla finds the right person to talk to - free of charge
Registration telephone Mon.-Fri. 10.00-18.00 hrs
Phone: 089 18910026, info@retla.org

Crisis service Middle Franconia
Free, anonymous telephone advice and crisis support
365 days a year, 24 hours a day
Phone: 0911 4248550 or 0800 655-3000

Silbernetz - just talk
Counseling service: free of charge, anonymous
Daily: 8.00-22.00 hrs
Phone: 0800 4708090