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Building area 412: -Häuslinger Wegäcker West-

Stand: 28.05.2024

There are currently no city-owned building plots for sale.

In the meantime, plot G12 has been sold to Schultheiss Wohnbau AG, which has already started marketing the condominiums.

Contact addresses of the developers still offering condominiums in the 412 development area:

Schultheiss Wohnbau AG
Phone: 0911-34709300
E-mail: berater@schultheiss-wohnbau.de

Joseph Foundation
Phone: 0951-9144614
Mobile: 0175 1837344
E-mail: robert.neubauer@joseph-stiftung.de

The purchase of condominiums for capital investment is not permitted in development area 412. The apartments may only be sold to purchasers who move into the apartment themselves and live in it for at least ten years. A corresponding obligation is agreed in the purchase contract.