Wichtiger Hinweis
Development plan no. 467
Stand: 09.12.2024
- Extension of Uni-Südgelände Ost -
Development plan no. 467 - Extension of the university south campus east - with integrated green space plan
By resolution dated 26.09.2024, the City Council of the City of Erlangen approved the draft of development plan no. 467 - Extension of Uni-Südgelände Ost - for the area between Kurt-Schumacher- and Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße, south of Staudtstraße; this was published on the Internet from 04.11.2024 to 6.12.2024 inclusive in accordance with Section 3 (2) of the German Building Code (BauGB).
Comments can be submitted during the publication period. These should be sent electronically to the e-mail address bauleitplanung@stadt.erlangen.de. If required, comments can also be submitted by other means. Comments not submitted by the deadline may be disregarded when the decision on the urban land use plan is taken.
In addition to publication on the Internet, the documents will be made publicly available during the publication period at the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility of the City of Erlangen (Gebbertstraße 1, 3rd floor) during opening hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 12:00). Ms. Körner is available for inspection outside this period and for information and advice by prior appointment (email: anja.koerner@stadt.erlangen.de, Tel. 09131 86-1340).
The draft development plan was presented to interested citizens at a public information event on Tuesday, 26.11.2024, at 6 p.m., at Cauerstr. 5a, in the lecture hall building lecture hall H 19, on the south campus of the university. The lecture hall is barrier-free.
An environmental assessment was carried out for the draft development plan, in which the effects of the planning on humans, animals, plants, biodiversity and species protection, on soil, water, climate and air, on the landscape and townscape and on cultural and material assets were examined. The results of these assessments and a forecast of the development of the environmental status are explained in the environmental report.
In addition to the environmental report and the explanatory memorandum to the development plan, the following types of environmental information are available:
Information on the protected good man / his health / population:
- Traffic report FAU Südgelände Erlangen
- Noise immission control in urban land-use planning: Determination of noise emission quotas and studies on traffic noise immissions
- Statements on traffic- and facility-related noise and the recreational area, impact forecast, statements on reduction and avoidance measures, statements on accident prevention (environmental report)
- Statement on the noise immission control report
- Statements on the recreational and protective function of the forest areas
- Comments on the traffic report and the connection to local public transport
Information on the protection of animals and plants:
- Southern grounds of the University of Erlangen - Nuremberg, development plan 467 - report on the results of faunistic mapping
- FFH impact assessment of bird sanctuary 6533-471 "Nuremberg Reichswald"
- Special species protection assessment (saP); south campus of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg development plan 467 incl. measures concept "Creation and maintenance of compensation areas with reptile ponds (FCS areas) for affected reptile species (sand lizard)
- Inventory plan of biotope and land use types
- Fauna inventory plan
- Planning status of biotope and land use types
- Report on the creation of habitat for the sand lizard
- Planning documents for the forest compensation areas
- Planning documents for the compensation area for the sand lizard
- Statements on plants and animals, biodiversity, species protection and biotopes, impact forecasts and avoidance, mitigation and compensation measures (environmental report)
- Statements on the protection of plants and animals and forests
- Statements on compensatory measures and replacement afforestation
- Comments on the environmental report and expert opinions
Information on water as a protected resource:
- Hydrogeological risk assessment of planned construction measures for the preparation of development plan 467
- Statements on groundwater, surface water and water protection area, impact forecast and prevention and mitigation measures, statements on handling wastewater and waste (environmental report)
- Statements on the water protection area, emergency wells and drinking water supply
- Statements on groundwater protection, construction dewatering and water protection
- Statements on the handling of precipitation water and wastewater development
Information on soil as a protected resource:
- Soil preliminary investigation of development plan 467 (East) - Erlangen
- Soil evaluation and soil protection concept for the preparation of development plan 467
- Statements on soil / land and geology as a protected resource, impact forecast and statements on mitigation and avoidance measures, statements on handling wastewater and waste (environmental report)
- Statements on soil protection, subsoil investigations and soil sealing
- Statements on the infiltration of rainwater and suspected contaminated sites
Information on climate protection:
- Climate ecology report for draft plan no. 467 "Expansion of university south campus east"
- Statements on air / climate, impact forecast, statements on energy efficiency and climate protection / climate adaptation (environmental report)
- Statements on climate protection / climate adaptation and the climate-ecological report
- Statements on sustainability and resource- and land-saving construction
- Statements on heavy rainfall and flooding hazards
Information on the protected landscape:
- Statements on the landscape and townscape, impact forecast, statements on compensation under forestry law (environmental report)
- Statements on the reduction of the landscape conservation area
- Statements on forest clearance / tree felling
- Statements on replacement afforestation
The development plan no. 467 - Extension of the University South Campus East - aims to strengthen and further develop Erlangen as a university location. In previous years, FAU had a development concept drawn up for the entire south campus of the university in the form of the 'South Campus Master Plan'. This master plan was presented to the city council on 28.04.2022 and approved. In addition to the densification of the already built-up area, additional expansion areas are urgently needed. The creation of new building rights through development plan no. 467 is intended to enable an urban expansion of the Faculty of Engineering at the Erlangen South site. Laboratories (including high-performance laboratories - so-called 'heavy duty labs'), workshops, research institutes, offices etc. are planned in the area covered by development plan no. 467. In the southern part of the development plan, the Nordbayerische Hochleistungsrechenzentrum is to be built, including an administration building and a transfer station for Erlanger Stadtwerke to use the waste heat from the data center.
The area covered by development plan no. 467 is already accessible via the existing Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße. This street currently only has a footpath on the west side. To connect the future uses for pedestrians, a footpath with an accompanying row of trees is also to be built on the east side of Niklaus-Fiebiger-Straße. A connection to the public transport network is already provided by two bus stops, which are served by various bus lines. Direct access from the adjacent Kurt-Schumacher-Straße to the east is not planned. The new building plots are to be demarcated from Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse by wooded and green areas. Neither the wooded banks of the Röthelheimgraben to the north nor the protected lichen-pine forest to the south will be encroached upon.
By securing the green areas in the middle of the planning area under building planning law, the two building plots SO 1 and SO 2 are to be structured. Furthermore, the green areas serve as cold air conduits and as pathways to the adjacent Sebalder Reichswald forest to the east. The existing connections to the adjoining landscape will therefore be maintained. In the northern construction area (SO 1), further cold air conduits are also established. They form "green fingers" between the planned buildings and serve to interlock the building structures with the landscape. In addition, negative climatic effects of the future development on the surrounding area can be minimized.
The draft development plan is also on display in the town hall foyer during the publication period.
If you wish to submit a statement on the urban land-use plan currently being drawn up as part of the public participation process, we will process your statement in the corresponding procedure.
The City of Erlangen, Rathausplatz 1, 91052 Erlangen, e-mail: poststelle@stadt.erlangen.de, Tel. 09131 86-0 is responsible for processing your data.
The data you provide in the context of public participation in accordance with the provisions of the German Building Code will be processed by the City of Erlangen exclusively in the context of urban land-use planning.
The legal basis for processing is Art. 6 para. 1 letter e GDPR in conjunction with Art. 4 para. 1 Bavarian Data Protection Act (BayDSG).
You can find further information about the processing of your data and your rights regarding the processing of your data on the Internet at www.erlangen.de/datenschutzhinweise-bauleitplanverfahren. Alternatively, you can also obtain this information from the administrator named in the notice.
Development plan no. 467 - draft
20a. Amendment of the 2003 land use plan
- Extension of the south campus -
Development plan no. 467 - draft
20a. Amendment of the 2003 land use plan
- Extension of the south campus -
Department of Urban Planning
Individual appointments can also be arranged.