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German language support for kindergarten children

Stand: 28.05.2024

Good German language skills are particularly important for children who start school. Unfortunately, there is often a lack of teachers.

The German language support program "Deutsch 240" in Erlangen kindergartens will continue to be offered after plans to make cuts. Our statement to the city council and the state education authority had an impact - as did our appeal to find an interim solution as quickly as possible: The Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity contributed to the Wi.l.D. program to ensure that German support continues to be offered.

Further information

Logo Wi.L.D.
Page, Promotion, Children, Parents, German promotion, Language, Foreign language, promote, supervise, School, Schoolchildren, Kindergarten, Daycare centers, Kindergartens, Elementary school, Middle school, FAU, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Childcare, Education, Integration, integrate

Wi.L.D Promoting language

Wi.L.D. is a language support program run by the city together with the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. The program supports children from primary and secondary schools.