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General social services

Stand: 28.05.2024

The General Social Service will work with you to find solutions.

Who are we and how do I find my contact person?

  • We are a team of social education workers who are each responsible for a residential district.
  • The city of Erlangen is divided into 21 districts. You can find out who is responsible for your street by contacting the Social Services office.

Our offers and services

  • Advice and support for parents with educational problems and family crises
  • Finding suitable help for parents and children
  • Initiation and support of educational assistance and integration assistance
  • Protection of children and young people at risk (neglect or violence), if necessary with the involvement of the family court
  • Advice for children and young people with problems at home
  • Advice and support during separation and divorce
  • Assistance in family court proceedings regarding access and custody rights

How do we advise and support you?

  • Working in partnership with you is important to us.
  • We strive to find solutions for your situation together with you and offer you suitable help.
  • Our work is of course subject to confidentiality. We are bound by the data protection provisions of the Child and Youth Welfare Act.
  • Our advice is free of charge.
  • You can also receive advice anonymously.
  • If necessary, we can make home visits.
  • Where appropriate and necessary, we cooperate with various institutions, e.g. kindergartens, schools, youth welfare facilities, the police, doctors and other authorities

General social services

Families, single parents, parents, children, teenagers and young adolescents can find advice and support at the General Social Service of the Erlangen Youth Welfare Office.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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