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Alliance against right-wing extremism

Stand: 28.05.2024

Independent and solidary network in the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg. The city of Erlangen is also a member.

The members of the Alliance against Right-Wing Extremism are concerned with

  • all forms of group-focused enmity, especially racism
  • especially racism,
  • anti-Semitism,
  • antiziganism,
  • Islamophobia and
  • contempt for humanity and
  • hostility to democracy

and hostility towards democracy.

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Several people at a meeting.

Against right-wing extremism

Lord Mayor Florian Janik and the Foreigners' and Integration Advisory Council jointly promote social diversity and set an example against right-wing extremism.

Group photo with the signatories of the declaration at a small table.


Joint declaration for peace, dialog and diversity and against all forms of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

Division V - Youth, Family and Social Affairs

Head of unit: Dieter Rosner


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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