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"I do it"-Your fag. Your responsibility. Our Erlangen.

Stand: 28.05.2024

To alleviate the problem of cigarette butts carelessly thrown into the environment, the city of Erlangen is distributing free take-away ashtrays as part of the "I do it" campaign.

The city of Erlangen is doing something about environmental pollution caused by cigarette butts. In a campaign, smokers are encouraged to dispose of their cigarette butts responsibly instead of carelessly throwing them on the ground. A central element of the campaign is the compact Erlangen ashtray-to-go. It swallows cigarette butts no matter where you are. It is available in hard plastic or in an aluminum version. Both fit easily into any trouser pocket and help smokers to dispose of their "cigarette butts" correctly and in an environmentally friendly way - and keep Erlangen clean.


E-cigarettes are electrical and electronic devices and also contain batteries such as lithium accumulators. They contain both valuable raw materials, for example in the microprocessors, and harmful substances. This is why they do not belong in household waste.

As used e-cigarettes are waste electrical and electronic equipment, they must be handed over to an authorized collection point (manufacturer, municipal collection point or retailer).

Further information can be found under Disposing of e-cigarettes correctly

The ashtray-to-go is available free of charge from:

  • City Greenery, Waste Management and Street Cleaning Department, Stintzingstraße 46, 91052 Erlangen, Gate
  • Waste advisory service at the Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues, Schuhstraße 40, 91052 Erlangen, ground floor, Zi. 010

Taking responsibility

Smokers are responsible for what happens to their cigarette butts. Many people flick cigarette butts away carelessly and think nothing of it. It is not for nothing that there are so many cigarette butts lying on streets and meadows, at bus stops and playgrounds. Cigarette butts lying on the ground harm the environment and affect flora and fauna. The substances dissolve quickly, while the filters take 10 to 15 years to decompose. This "unauthorized waste disposal" is an administrative offence that can be punished with a fine.

Off to the trash

This is set to change: The "I do it" campaign calls on smokers to do better. Because after smoking, cigarette butts belong in the bin and not on the ground. This protects the environment and makes Erlangen cleaner. Over the next few months, many municipal litter bins will be equipped with a separate cigarette butt container or will be replaced.

Did you know?

  • Only one in four cigarette butts in Germany is disposed of properly.
  • 580 billion cigarette butts pollute Europe every year.
  • One cigarette contains thousands of harmful substances, including carcinogens.
  • Two to six milligrams of toxic nicotine end up in the environment per cigarette butt.
  • According to the WHO, 4.5 trillion cigarette butts pollute our planet every year.
  • One cigarette butt can pollute up to 1,000 liters of water.

Erlangen stays clean

In addition to the damage to the environment, cigarette butts also pollute the city. Littered streets and squares make a bad impression and reduce the "feel-good factor" outdoors. Thoughtlessly discarded cigarette butts have to be picked up by hand or vacuumed away individually by the municipal cleaning staff. What can help? Take part in Erlangen's "I do it" campaign and dispose of butts responsibly in the ashtray-to-go, the waste garbage can or the ashtray insert instead of throwing them on the ground.