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Training to become an administrator 2026

Stand: 12.03.2025

Junior staff as of 01.09.2026; preparatory service for the 2nd qualification level of the administration and finance career path, specialist focus on non-technical administrative service

Your advantages:

  • Meaningful, varied and responsible tasks
  • Individual and holistic support for your personal development
  • Crisis-proof job as a civil servant
  • Attractive salary and discounted bus and train tickets
  • Induction week with team training
  • Your own laptop and the opportunity to work from home
  • Guaranteed employment if suitable
  • Excellent opportunities for further development and promotion after the traineeship

Your tasks:

  • Active participation in the various departments of the city of Erlangen
  • Advising citizens in various life situations
  • Legal case processing, also on your own responsibility
  • Preparation of official and regulatory documents
  • Organization of internal and external events

Your profile:

  • You are interested in the topics of law and business
  • You enjoy working with people
  • You have a talent for organization and enjoy working in a team
  • You are a German citizen or a citizen of another member state of the European Union, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Iceland.
  • You have at least a qualifying secondary school leaving certificate or have obtained one by the date of recruitment
  • You successfully take part in the selection test of the state personnel committee on 07.07.2025

Application deadline: 12.05.2025
Where: www.lpa.bayern.de (Training places - Application - Online application)
Please select "Verwaltungswirt*in in der Kommunalverwaltung" under "Ausbildungsrichtungen" and "Stadt Erlangen" under "Arbeitsort".
Further information: www.erlangen.de/ausbildung
Contact: Ms. Grampp, Tel. 09131 86-2767

We see diversity as an enrichment and pursue a policy of equal opportunities. People with severe disabilities are given priority if they are equally qualified.

Interested? Find out more about the profession now!

Employee in conversation with citizens.
Page, Education, Administrator, Administrator


Training with the city of Erlangen: What does an administrator do?