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Award 2023 of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects

Stand: 28.05.2024

Erlangen receives the 2023 award of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects

The city of Erlangen was awarded the Bavarian Chamber of Architects' Award 2023 on September 26, 2023. The prize is an award for clients who have chosen and continue to choose the architectural competition process to solve planning and construction tasks in an exemplary manner.

The award is presented to cities, municipalities and institutions that have rendered outstanding services to the promotion of the competition system. The city of Erlangen is the 10th winner.

The prize also includes an audio guide for smartphones. The audio guide presents 13 selected competition projects in Erlangen. The Bavarian Chamber of Architects not only honors the commitment of the city of Erlangen, but also wants to make building culture heard in public. Various building projects in Erlangen are presented acoustically, ranging from the building project of the district administration office, a sports hall, research buildings, apartments for students to the development of an entire new urban quarter, the Regnitzstadt. Some projects have already been fully implemented, while others are still under construction or will be realized in the coming years.

Audio guide for the 2023 award: The 2023 award for the city of Erlangen