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Letters to parents and media letters from baer.bayern.de

Stand: 28.05.2024

Parents who would like to know more can read 48 letters to parents and five media letters online or order a newsletter.

48 letters for parents matching the respective age of the child

For parents who want to know even more: Parenting tips from birth to adulthood

At baer.bayern.de, you can read the 48 parenting letters of the Bavarian Youth Welfare Office's online parenting guide BAER online or order a newsletter and

  • find out about the developmental stages of your child
  • get tips on all aspects of parenting
  • read information on health and nutrition
  • find advice addresses and contact points at authorities.

Five new media letters

The media letters are a continuation of the popular letters for parents.

Help with media education

Children are growing up in a digital world and they are increasingly younger when they first come into contact with digital media. It is therefore important to educate children and young people in media literacy and to inform them about possible risks and dangers in order to enable them to use the digital world safely.