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Civil engineer

Stand: 22.07.2024

Civil Engineering Office, Department of Structural Engineering and Electrical Systems - as soon as possible - permanent - Job title: EG 12 TVöD or BesGr. A 12 BayBesG - Working hours: 39 or 40 hours/week.

Your benefits:

  • Future-proof employment in EG 12 TVöD and depending on the subject area of the university degree plus EUR 400 gross labor market bonus or salary group A 12 BayBesG, Christmas bonus, additional pension for employees covered by collective agreements, additional days off with pay
  • Family-friendly employer with flexible working hours, working time compensation, part-time and home office options
  • Modern workplace with innovative and sustainable equipment and resources
  • Team events, collegial exchange, part of a competent team with strong cohesion, canteen
  • Location security with central location and VGN company subscription, additional subsidy for public transport, offer of discounted parking spaces
  • A wide range of offers for personal and professional development, e.g. for post-qualification with promotion options

Your tasks:

  • Planning, tendering and execution of new construction, conversion and maintenance measures in structural engineering
  • Development and implementation of climate-friendly and sustainable concepts and strategies for the operation and maintenance of civil engineering structures
  • Testing and assessing civil engineering structures for stability, traffic safety and durability in accordance with DIN 1076
  • Supervision of civil engineering structures with other construction authorities
  • Inspection and approval of heavy load transports

Your profile:

  • A degree in civil engineering (Diplom-Ingenieur*in (FH)) or bachelor's degree in civil engineering, construction management, construction management or industrial engineering construction or a third-level qualification in the "Science and Technology" career path, with a focus on civil engineering and environmental management - specializing in road and bridge construction
  • Class B driving license (please enclose proof)
  • Knowledge of contract and fee law (VOB / HOAI)
  • Practical experience in the tendering, awarding and processing of construction and engineering services is desirable
  • Knowledge and experience in the field of bridge and civil engineering, especially in the field of structural maintenance and renovation, is an advantage
  • Organizational talent, cost awareness, economic way of thinking and working as well as the ability to work in a team

Application deadline: 12.08.2024
Where: www.interamt.de or by e-mail to personalamt@stadt.erlangen.de
Job ID: 1168161
Further information: www.erlangen.de/karriere
Contact: Mr. Ahlers, Tel. 09131 86-2450

We see diversity as an enrichment and are committed to equal opportunities. In principle, all positions are part-time. People with severe disabilities are given priority if equally qualified.