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Investment report of the City of Erlangen

Stand: 11.07.2024

The City of Erlangen has direct and indirect holdings in more than 30 companies and special-purpose associations. The investment report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview.

The investment report serves to provide information and documentation. It provides the city council, the administration and the public with an overview of the municipality's economic activities. For greater transparency, we make the annual report available to interested citizens here.

The report contains the following information:

  • Fulfillment of the public purpose
  • Shareholding structure
  • Bodies of the companies
  • Most important key figures
  • Financial performance relationship between the city and its shareholdings

Investment report 2021-2022

BTM Investment Management

Staff unit in Ref. II of the City of Erlangen


Nägelsbachstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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