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Business of a commercial nature "Bicycle projects"

Stand: 28.05.2024

Statutes for the commercial enterprise "Bicycle Projects" of the Erlangen Job Center (EJC) of the City of Erlangen dated 24.11.2022

§ 1 Owner
§ 2 Non-profit status
§ 3 Share capital
§ 4 Accounting
§ 5 Entry into force

The statutes for the commercial operation of "social department stores" of the Erlangen Job Center (EJC) of the City of Erlangen can be found here: Operation of a commercial nature "Social department stores".

If you have any questions regarding the content, please contact the Eigenbetrieb Erlanger Jobcenter (EJC ).

pdf, 142 KB, BgA, Bicycle project, Job center, Erlangen Job Center, Own operation, Bicycle projects

Business of a commercial nature "Bicycle projects"

Satzung für den Betrieb gewerblicher Art "Fahrradprojekte" des Eigenbetriebs Erlanger Jobcenter (EJC) der Stadt Erlangen vom 24.11.2022