Erlangen Job Center

Plant management: Dieter Rosner

The contact details and opening hours of the departments can be found here:


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Please contact the correct department directly or use our contact form.

You can find the contact details and opening hours here:
- Citizens' Benefits Department
- Integration benefits department
- Department Measures and Projects for Employment Promotion

Es wurden 1 Serviceleistungen gefunden

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, ALG, ALG 1, Alg 2, ALG I, ALG II, Employment agency, Employment agency for work, Unemployment benefit, Unemployment benefit 2, Unemployment benefit II, Unemployment benefit, Unemployment, Basic security, Hartz, Hartz 4, Hartz IV, Job center, Benefits for education and participation without learning support, Social welfare, Social benefit, Social support, Support, Unemployment benefit II; application

Citizen's allowance; application

If you do not have enough money to cover your own living expenses, you can apply for citizen's allowance.