Outside of these times, you can make an appointment via the central telephone number.


Nürnberger Straße 35
91052 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr

You can visit your personal contact person during open office hours without an appointment.

Central telephone number:

Monday to Thursday: 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00 ,

Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Es wurden 15 Serviceleistungen gefunden

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employment agency, AsA, Residence status, Education, Cancellation of training, Training qualification, Assistance during training, Training supervisor, Training aid, Apprenticeship, Training support, Foreigners, Apprentice, Disability, Obtain a vocational qualification, Vocational training, Career counseling, Career choice, Job application training, Educational institution, Entry qualification, Refugee, Promotion, Conflict, Conflict resolution, Learning impairment, Learning difficulties, Mediation, Tutoring, Personal problems, Exam preparation, psychological problems, Language barriers, Language problems, Language difficulties, Language support, Stabilization, Support

Assisted training; application

If you have difficulties in your in-company vocational training or entry-level qualification, you and your training company can receive support so that you can successfully start or complete your training or entry-level qualification.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, ALG II, unemployed, Unemployment benefit, Apprenticeship search, Promotion, Basic security, Hartz IV, Job center, Job search, Youth employment agencies, Youth welfare, Young people, Youth social work, NEETs, Social assistance, Vacancies, Transition from school to work, House hunting

Educational institutions; application for funding for services for young people in difficult circumstances

As a certified training provider, do you want to provide individual support to young people in difficult circumstances? You can receive funding from the Jobcenter for this.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Taking up employment, Labor market, Integration, self-employment, Independence

Entry-level allowance; application

If you receive Citizen's Allowance and you want to become self-employed or take up employment subject to social insurance contributions, you can receive an introductory allowance under certain conditions.


Foreign employees; advice and assistance with integration

Foreign employees can obtain advice or support from various offices.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Independence

Integration of the self-employed; applying for benefits

If you receive Citizen's Allowance and would like to become self-employed or are already self-employed, your Jobcenter can support you with necessary purchases of material goods and with free advice and training.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employment promotion, Wage subsidy, Work allowance, EGZ, Integration, Integration support, Integration subsidy, Promotion, Promotion of employment, Cash grant, long-term unemployed, Wage cost subsidy, Wage subsidy, Reintegration

Integration subsidy; application to the job center

If you employ people in your company who are not yet fully able to work at the start of their employment, you can apply for subsidies towards wage costs.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employer, Education, Educational support, Training seekers, Vocational training, Vocational training preparation, Vocational preparation, Operation, Vocational preparation, Company entry qualification, EQ, Promotion, Learning impairment, Learning difficulties, Personal problems, Internship, Internship allowance, psychological problems, Social problems, The company, Subsidy

Internship remuneration; applying for a subsidy from the Jobcenter

If you would like to introduce young people to vocational training in your company through a paid internship, you can apply for a subsidy towards the internship allowance.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Work, Working life, Workplace, Working life

Measures for activation and professional integration; applying for funding from the job center

If you receive basic security benefits, you can be supported by measures that make it easier for you to (re)enter the world of work.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employer subsidy, Employment agency, Employment office, Unemployment benefit II, Unemployment, Labor market, Employment, Coaching, Integration, Hartz IV, Job center, Long-term unemployment, Labor costs, Participation, Participation Opportunities Act, Further training

Participation in the labor market; application for funding when hiring people who have been unemployed for at least 2 years

If you, as an employer, would like to employ long-term unemployed people who have been unemployed for at least 2 years and are receiving citizen's allowance at the time of your application, you can apply for wage subsidies from the Jobcenter.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employment agency, Employment office, Unemployment benefit II, Unemployment, Labor market, Employment, Coaching, Integration, Hartz IV, Job center, Long-term unemployment, Labor costs, Wage cost subsidy, Measure, Participation, Participation Opportunities Act, Further training, Subsidy

Participation in the labor market; applying for funding when hiring people who have been long-term unemployed for many years

If you, as an employer, would like to employ people who have not worked for at least 6 years or have only worked for a short period of time and have received citizen's allowance, you can apply to the Jobcenter for subsidies for wage costs.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employment Agency, Application for participation, Working life, Labor market, Training market, BA, Disability, Disabilities, Vocational rehabilitation, Federal Employment Agency, Entry into professional life, Rehab, Rehabilitation application, Rehab application, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation providers, Rehabilitation procedure, Participation, Re-entry into working life

Participation in working life; application for benefits by people with disabilities

If you need support in finding training or a job or securing your training or job due to your (impending) disability(ies), you can receive support in the form of funding or special assistance.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Placement budget; application to the job center

If you are looking for or starting a new job or apprenticeship, you can, for example, have your expenses for application documents or travel to a job interview reimbursed by your Jobcenter.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Working life, Unemployment insurance, Workplace, Disability, Working life, Health insurance, People with disabilities, Long-term care insurance, Rehab, Rehabilitation, Pension insurance, Social insurance, Participation, Insurance premium

Social security contributions; application for reimbursement by the measure provider

If you, as a measure provider, carry out measures for participation in working life for people with disabilities, you must pay social security contributions. The employment agency or job center will reimburse your social security contributions on request.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Vocational training, Education, Further training

Vocational training support; application to the job center

If you would like to continue your professional training, the Jobcenter will cover the costs of further training for you under certain conditions.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, ALG II, Work opportunity, Unemployment, Labor market, One-euro job, Integration, Promotion, Hartz IV, Job center, Long-term unemployment, Measure, Additionality

Work opportunity; application for allocation

If you receive Citizen's Income and would like to improve your employability, you can be assigned to a work opportunity by the Jobcenter.