Social security contributions; application for reimbursement by the measure provider
If you, as a measure provider, carry out measures for participation in working life for people with disabilities, you must pay social security contributions. The employment agency or job center will reimburse your social security contributions on request.
Stand: 16.02.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
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The Federal Employment Agency is the rehabilitation provider if no other rehabilitation provider is responsible. This also applies to people with disabilities who are supported by job centers. However, the special feature here is that the responsibilities for occupational participation benefits are shared between the Federal Employment Agency and the job center.
If the Federal Employment Agency is not obliged to do so itself, you as the provider of the measure must register all participants for social insurance and pay social insurance contributions during the measure. Specifically, this concerns contributions to
- health insurance,
- pension insurance,
- unemployment insurance, if applicable, and
- long-term care insurance.
The employment agency or job center will reimburse you for the social insurance contributions you have paid, depending on who is responsible for your benefits.
You will receive the money monthly in arrears for the entire duration of the measure as soon as you have submitted an application.
How high the reimbursement contributions can be depends on which measure for participation in working life is involved and which personal requirements are fulfilled by the participant. For guidance, you can refer to the "Table of reimbursement contributions for vocational rehabilitation measures", which the Federal Employment Agency has agreed with the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV SV).
- In order to be reimbursed for social security contributions, you must
- be legally obliged to register for social insurance and pay social insurance contributions,
- have made the social security declaration and
- have paid the contributions and
- have submitted an application to the responsible benefit provider.
- In addition, social insurance contributions can only be paid for measures for participation in working life that are funded by the employment agency or job center.
You will receive a notification if you are responsible for paying and reporting social security contributions. This can be done electronically, for example via the Electronic Measures Processing (EMAW), or via a personalized information letter.
You must submit an application so that your social security contributions can be reimbursed.
- Go to the website of the Federal Employment Agency and download the "Application for reimbursement of contribution expenses for people with disabilities" or use the online application option in your employer account.
- Complete the application in full. Please note the values from the table of reimbursement contributions. Submit the application to your responsible employment agency or job center or send the application online.
- The responsible employment agency or job center will check your application.
- If all requirements are met, you will be reimbursed the social security contributions.
The usual limitation period of 4 years applies.
- Required document/s
Apart from the application for reimbursement of contribution expenses, no other documents need to be submitted.
Activating services / integration services
You can visit your personal contact person during open office hours without an appointment.
Open office hours:
Wednesday: 11:00 to 12:00
Monday to Thursday: 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.