Employee at the service counter hands over new license plate to citizen
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Changed opening hours

On Thursday, March 13, the trade unions have called for warning strikes as part of the current collective bargaining negotiations. The city of Erlangen is also assuming that various areas will be affected by the work stoppages and that there will be restrictions. Read more here

Welcome to the service portal

Here you will find up-to-date information on municipal benefits, services and applicable legislation. Thanks to numerous online applications, there is no need to visit us or the relevant office for more and more services.

For almost all offices, you must make an appointment before visiting.

You do not need an appointment:

When you come to us: Dogs are generally not permitted. Exceptions are only possible if a dog is required for health and educational reasons (e.g. assistance or school dogs) or if the dog owner has been requested by the city to present their dog at the office.

Citizens' office on the first floor of the town hall

Waiting time
Page, Waiting time, Current waiting time, Citizens' office, Citizen service, Town hall square

Current waiting time at the citizens' office

Current waiting time in the service area of the Citizens' Registration Office on the first floor of the town hall: With the online waiting time display, you can leave the waiting area if you have to wait a long time and track your waiting status on your smartphone, for example.

Organizational unit, Offices / areas of expertise

Passport and identification

You can carry out passport and ID matters at the on-site citizen service on the first floor of the town hall. Here you can obtain passports, identity cards, children's passports, temporary documents, etc.
Organizational unit, Offices / areas of expertise

Vehicle registration

You can carry out vehicle registration matters at the on-site citizen service on the first floor of the town hall. For example, vehicle registration, correction of vehicle documents, vehicle deregistration, re-registration, etc.

Organizational unit, Offices / areas of expertise

Driving license system

You can carry out driving license matters digitally at the Citizens' Service or on site on the first floor of the town hall. For example, all common driving licenses or exchanging your old driving license, etc.

Organizational unit, Offices / areas of expertise

Reporting system

You can carry out registration matters digitally at the Citizens' Service or on site on the first floor of the town hall. For example, you can apply for a certificate of good conduct, official certification or information from the population register.
Organizational unit, Offices / areas of expertise

Population register

Report defects

A playground is dirty? Have you seen a pothole? A streetlight doesn't work? Don't keep these and other defects to yourself. Please let us know and we will take care of it. You can report defects via our defect reporter.

Official announcements & tenders

Page, Tenders, Awarding, Competition, Job, Job search

Current tenders

Overview of municipal tenders & contract awards of the city of Erlangen. Submit your offer.

Main entrance at the town hall.
Page, Confirmations, Office, official pages

Official announcements (Official Gazette)

Official announcements and invitations to tender are published in the official gazette "Die amtlichen Seiten".