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Service portal - Leisure & volunteering

Going to the theater or concerts, pursuing hobbies and doing sports are among the most popular leisure activities. Erlangen offers citizens, but also many people from outside the city, numerous leisure and cultural activities. Here you will find all the information you need on how to spend and organize your leisure time in Erlangen.

Frequently searched for

Ukrainian flag.
Page, War, Ukraine, Refugees, Ukraine aid, Ukrainian, Ukrainian

Erlangen helps: Ukraine

Current information on the Ukraine crisis, help in Erlangen and support for refugees.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Bavarian volunteer card; application

Citizens can apply for the Bavarian Volunteer Card if they are particularly committed to volunteering.

Person with tattoos
Volunteering, the companions, Godfather, Educational sponsorship, Educational sponsor, Children and young people, Education, School

the companions. The educational mentoring program

Volunteer educational mentors support pupils from Erlangen. They support and accompany children and young people in school challenges and in their development.

People having a barbecue in a leisure facility.
Page, barbecue, Barbecue, Nature, Leisure time, Clean city, Soccer, Soccer pitch, Playground, Children, Event, Firm, Volleyball, Basketball, Park, Green space, Parking garage

Barbecue areas & leisure facilities

With a number of public barbecue areas and leisure facilities, there are plenty of opportunities for leisure activities in the city. But one request: Always be considerate of your surroundings - avoid making noise and leave the facilities clean.

Service A-Z

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Educational offers, VHS

Adult education center; registration, re-registration and deregistration

Adult education centers (VHS) are public adult education institutions. The wide range of courses on offer is geared towards the orientation, education and qualification interests of the participants.
Service, Online service

Aldermen; application for inclusion in the list of nominees

Aldermen are used in the criminal justice system at the local and regional courts. The municipalities and youth welfare offices draw up lists of candidates every five years. Citizens can apply to their municipality or the youth welfare office responsible for their place of residence.
Service, Allotment garden association, Allotment garden site, Allotment garden plot, Letting

Allotment gardens; leasing

The city of Erlangen offers its citizens the opportunity to lease an allotment garden plot.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Bavarian volunteer card; application

Citizens can apply for the Bavarian Volunteer Card if they are particularly committed to volunteering.


Civic engagement; consulting

Citizens who would like to volunteer can obtain advice from volunteer agencies, volunteer centers and civic engagement coordination centers throughout Bavaria.


Culture Prize; information on the award ceremony

Counties and independent cities can award cultural prizes to deserving personalities in cultural life.


District home preservation; information on the preservation and care of local cultural assets

Officially appointed, full-time or voluntary local heritage officers (district local heritage officers, town local heritage officers) are dedicated to the diverse tasks of local heritage preservation in the districts and independent towns.


District home preservation; information on the preservation of folk music and folk dance

The preservation of folk music, song and dance is part of the preservation of local history. In many places, the preservation and research of folk music is the task of the local heritage caretakers. In some cases, additional folk music caretakers have been appointed in the municipalities.


Field jurors; appointment, election and dismissal

The municipality determines the number of field jurors and their local organization and responsibilities. The municipal council appoints the field jurors for an area for the first time by election. The district administrative authority is responsible for appointing field jurors.

Service, Seven

Field jurors; commissioning

Field jurors are involved in the marking of boundaries in the locality (demarcation). Field jurors can be requested by property owners or ordered by the mayor.


Fire department badge of honor as an award for length of service; submission of a proposal

Individuals who have been involved with the volunteer fire department or a plant fire department over a long period of time can be honored with a state award - the Fire Brigade Decoration of Honor.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Fire department; course registration

Bavaria's state fire department schools offer firefighters various training courses. The course administration is carried out by the district administrative authority. The governments allocate training places to the districts and independent cities.

News in the leisure sector


Lebenshilfe supports the establishment of the memorial and learning site

The historical reappraisal of Nazi "euthanasia" is to be combined with educational programs and contemporary issues. The aim is to create an inclusive and open space.

Dismantling with a crane.

Farewell to the "Gray Buses" monument

Remembrance of the victims of Nazi hospital murders - including those from the Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home. There was also an accompanying exhibition.

Parking lot sign.
Parking lot, Parking garage, Bicycle, Bicycles, park, Bicycle bracket, Bus travel, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, VGN, Erlangen municipal utilities, ESTW, Tickets, Means of transportation, Mobility, Public transportation, Car, Bus, Railroad

Parking in Erlangen

Since March 2024, charges in public parking spaces in the city center have been one euro for the first half hour. For each additional hour, the charge is 2.60 euros per hour. The fee for the large parking lot is 1.50 euros per hour. Parking fees are only due on working days.

Several cyclists on a bridge.
Mobility, Consulting, New citizen marketing, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, Sharing offers, Cycling, Relocation, Drawn in, New in Erlangen

Mobility advice for new residents

We provide information about alternatives to your own car, such as public transport, car sharing and cycling. You can receive vouchers and trial offers to test different forms of mobility.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).
Shape Erlangen

District House West (Büchenbach)

The construction of a new district center with a district library in the Büchenbach-West district will create a socio-cultural center and an innovative, versatile, open and creative meeting place in the west of the city.
Shape Erlangen

Sanierung Spielplatz Habichtstraße

Der Spielplatz an der Habichtstraße in Alterlangen soll grundlegend saniert und umgestaltet werden. Neue Spielgeräte und eine landschaftsgärtnerische Neugestaltung sollen ihn zu einem attraktiven Spiel- und Aufenthaltsort für Kinder und Familien machen.
Shape Erlangen

Sanierung und Ausbau des Stadtmuseums

Das Stadtmuseum im Herzen der Altstadt präsentiert die Geschichte der Erlanger Region von der Frühzeit bis zur modernen Universitätsstadt. Der Stadtrat hat beschlossen, nach der KuBiC-Fertigstellung als nächstes schwerpunktmäßig den Ausbau des Stadtmuseums anzugehen.