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District House West (Büchenbach)
Stand: 04.01.2024
The construction of a new district center with a district library in the Büchenbach-West district will create a socio-cultural center and an innovative, versatile, open and creative meeting place in the west of the city.
The new Stadtteilhaus West will be a versatile, open and creative center, where: vhs, library, citizens' meeting place, youth art school, creative areas, celebration stage, relaxation oasis, outdoor reading area for children, and also a campfire area will be created.
- Start of construction: in July 2023
- Completion of construction: planned by the end of 2025
- Opening 2026
2019 - 2026
Approximately EUR 18.725 million
Both local residents and the diverse user groups of the planned facility will be actively involved in the utilization and design options. To this end, several events and citizen workshops were held from spring 2019 to spring 2020.
In addition, a so-called "construction family" was founded at the end of 2019, which includes nine citizens from Büchenbach as well as employees from the specialist departments involved and the architecture firm. At regular meetings, the specialist departments provide information on the current status. The plans are discussed together.
10.05.2022 BWA: Decision on draft planning