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Service portal - Environment & nature

Erlangen is an environmental city - and not just since 2019, when the city declared a climate emergency. Environmental, nature and climate protection have long played a major role here. However, in order to effectively protect the atmosphere, flora and fauna, the soil and people from harmful influences, a lot of information, (funding) services and, of course, binding rules are needed. Here you will find everything you need to know - from species protection to environmental advice.

Service A-Z

Service, Animal husbandry, Animal transportation

Animal husbandry; implementation of animal welfare controls

According to the Animal Welfare Act, a large number of facilities and animal husbandries (e.g. livestock farms, slaughterhouses, laboratory animal facilities) must be regularly inspected to ensure compliance with legal animal welfare requirements.
Service, Application for an animal exhibition permit, Animal exhibitions, Animal exhibition permit, animal event, Cattle exhibitions, cattle shows

Animal show, animal exhibition, animal fair; notification or application for a permit

Animal shows, animal exhibitions, animal fairs and other animal events must be reported to or approved by the local district administrative authority.
Service, Animal welfare law

Animal welfare law; application for a certificate of competence or a certificate of proficiency

Competence tests, certificates of competence and certificates of proficiency ensure that the requirements of animal welfare legislation are complied with when keeping, slaughtering and transporting animals.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Authorization of activities requiring a permit in the animal welfare sector, Animal welfare

Animal welfare permit; application

In accordance with Section 11 of the Animal Welfare Act, certain animal husbandry and activities on or with animals require permits that are linked to the reliability and expertise of the operator and to species-appropriate animal husbandry.
Service, Dangerous animals, Fighting dogs, Animal welfare order

Animal welfare; arrangement

In the event of violations of the Animal Welfare Act, district administrative authorities must take measures and, if necessary, issue orders.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Criminal offense, Cruelty to animals, unjustified killing of animals

Animal welfare; notification of an administrative offense

Administrative offenses under the Animal Welfare Act are prosecuted and punished.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Animals and goods of animal origin; monitoring of trade

Monitoring the trade in animals and goods of animal origin is the task of the official veterinarians at the district offices and serves to ensure compliance with animal disease, animal welfare and food law regulations.

Bannwald; explanation

Bannwald is a forest that is irreplaceable due to its location, especially in urban agglomerations and sparsely wooded areas. This forest provides a more balanced urban climate, offers recreational space and has a positive effect on the water and air balance.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Bicycle traffic; application for municipal funding

Municipalities can promote cycling. For example, they can grant a subsidy for the purchase of a bicycle.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Broadband expansion; application for the laying or modification of a telecommunications line in the public road network

If a telecommunications company wishes to use public roads for the laying of telecommunications lines or the modification of existing lines, it must apply for approval in accordance with the Telecommunications Act.

Service, Cable TV, Public sewer system, public road network, Telephone network, Water supply network, gas supply network, electricity supply network

Building area; information on development

Development is the responsibility of the municipality unless it is the responsibility of another party in accordance with other statutory provisions or obligations under public law.


Civil protection; warning the population

If necessary, the security and disaster control authorities warn the population likely to be affected by a disaster or large-scale hazard situation and, if necessary, issue instructions on what to do.

Latest news

A man oils the chain of a bicycle.

CO2-Challenge of the metropolitan region

Saving as much CO2 as possible in a fun way and getting people excited about climate protection. It starts on Ash Wednesday.

Oil, Fat, Oil collection, Oil recycling, Fat recycling, Waste oil, Climate protection, Climate awakening, Environmental protection, Recycling, Climate awakening, Climate emergency, Garbage, Waste, Used cooking oil, Cooking oil, Collection container, Container, Residual waste garbage cans, Waste garbage cans, Waste garbage cans, Waste, recycle, Sustainability

Waste grease collection - Dispose of cooking oil correctly

Dispose of your used cooking oil correctly and make your contribution to environmental and climate protection. The cities of Erlangen and Fürth collect used cooking oil using green collection bottles and collection machines to produce biodiesel. On this page you will find the locations of the collection containers and other options.

Sign indicating bird breeding season

Bird breeding season - parade ground

Protection for numerous bird species: From March 1 to July 31, it is not permitted to leave the official paths in the entire nature reserve. Dog owners are also not allowed to let their dogs run free during this time.

climamobile, energy consulting

Klimamobil informs

It is on the move locally. Find out about energy-saving living and subsidy programs.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Climate awakening

Erlangen wants to achieve climate neutrality across the entire city as soon as possible. A unique project has been launched to achieve this. With the "Climate Awakening Roadmap", an entire city has been setting out since fall 2022 to make its contribution to curbing global warming.
Shape Erlangen

Klärwerk Erlangen - Ausbaukonzept 2030: Spurenstoffelimination (4. Reinigungsstufe)

Die bisherige Abwasserreinigung belässt Spurenstoffe aus Arzneimitteln und Körperpflegeprodukten sowie bestimmte Industrie- und Haushaltschemikalien fast vollständig im behandelten Abwasser. Eine 4. Reinigungsstufe ist notwendig, um das Abwasser entsprechend zu behandeln, bevor es wieder in die Regnitz fließt.