City council member leafs through the agenda

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Help shape politics

Here we introduce you to the key people in the city administration. You will also find information about our advisory boards. And we give you an overview of how you can actively help shape Erlangen.

Lord Mayor and Mayor

The city administration is headed by Lord Mayor Florian Janik and (second) Mayor Jörg Volleth. Both work full-time. The city of Erlangen does not have any other mayors.

Speakers from the city of Erlangen

Photo of speaker Beugel

Konrad Beugel - Consultant for Economy and Finance

Konrad Beugel has been a full-time city councillor and Head of the Department of Economics and Finance since 2000.

Portrait photo of the speaker Thomas Ternes

Thomas Ternes - Legal, Human Resources and Digitalization Officer

Thomas Ternes has been a full-time city councillor since 2016 and is currently Head of the Department of Legal Affairs, Human Resources and Digitalization.

Photo by Anke Steinert Neuwirth

Anke Steinert-Neuwirth - Consultant for Culture, Education

Anke Steinert-Neuwirth has been the head of the current Department of Culture, Education and Leisure as a professional city councillor since 2017.

Photo of speaker Rosner

Dieter Rosner - Advisor for Youth, Family and Social Affairs

Dieter Rosner has been the head of the Department for Youth, Family and Social Affairs as a full-time city councillor since 2021.

A portrait photo of the speaker Sabine Bock

Sabine Bock - Environment and climate protection officer

Sabine Bock has been the head of the Department for the Environment and Climate Protection as a professional city councillor since 2020.

Portrait Harald Lang.

Harald Lang - Planning and Construction Officer

Harald Lang has been the head of the Planning and Building Department as a professional city councillor since 2023.

Forums & Networks

People sit together at the table

Forums of the Sustainability Council

What are Sustainability Council forums?

Local transport plan forum
PUBLIC TRANSPORT, Public transportation, NVP, Line network, Tariffs, Tact, Accessibility, Ticket purchase, Link

Mobility Forum - Local transport plan

A local transport plan defines fields of action and objectives in the area of local public transport. The Mobility Forum is actively involved in updating it.

Parking management forum
Mobility Forum, Mobility, Parking, Traffic, Parking lot, Parking space regulations

Mobility Forum - Parking space management

Here you will find information and materials that were discussed in the Mobility Forum on the subject of parking space management.

Forum_Mobility 01
Mobility, Citizen participation, Participation, Forum VEP

Mobility Forum - Public participation in mobility planning

Mobility concerns everyone - children, adults, senior citizens, private individuals, companies, etc. - and so it is a central concern of the city of Erlangen to integrate participation processes into mobility planning. With its representatives, the advisory body "Mobility Forum" covers a wide range of interests and concerns.

Education network

Network Education for Environment and Sustainability in Erlangen

On January 12, 2021, the Erlangen Network Education for the Environment and Sustainability was founded as a successor to the Environmental Education Round Table under the moderation and coordination of the City of Erlangen's Environmental Education Officer.

Contact us

Mayor's Office and Press Office

Head of office: Sabine Lotter


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

Additional individual appointments