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Social Forum

Stand: 17.07.2024

The City of Erlangen's participation report was compiled in collaboration with the Council for Social Justice. The resulting events and activities of the City of Erlangen are critically monitored by the Council for Social Justice. The exchange on the implementation of the action requirements named in the participation report or subsequently identified from the fields of action of the participation report takes place within the framework of irregular plenary meetings of the Council.

In addition, a Forum: Social Affairs working group of the Council was established to better pursue individual social policy issues. The working group meets monthly and in public. The topics decided upon by the working group are documented and made known to all member organizations of the Council for Social Justice. Anyone interested in joining the working group should contact: info@ratschlag-erlangen.de

Meetings: as required, appointment request via the office of the Sustainability Council

Current information: Ratschlag - Council for Social Justice (ratschlag-erlangen.de).