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Anke Steinert-Neuwirth - Consultant for Culture, Education

Stand: 28.05.2024

Anke Steinert-Neuwirth has been the head of the current Department of Culture, Education and Leisure as a professional city councillor since 2017.

Curriculum vitae

Portraitfoto von Referentin Anke Steinert-NeuwirthI was born in Oberhausen in 1963 and grew up in Erlangen. After graduating from Ohm-Gymnasium Erlangen, I studied sociology, education, political science and French at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen in Nuremberg.

In 1995 I joined the City of Erlangen, initially as Equal Opportunities Officer, then as Youth Welfare Planner, and in 2001 I moved to the Cultural Department as Cultural Development Planner. This was followed by managerial positions, including Head of the Cultural Department. As a professional city councillor and officer, I have been head of the Department of Culture, Education and Leisure since March 2017. I am also responsible for managing the Culture Forum of the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg.

Anke Steinert-Neuwirth in conversation

Division IV - Culture, Education and Leisure

Speaker: Anke Steinert-Neuwirth


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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