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Mobility Forum - Parking space management

Stand: 28.05.2024

Here you will find information and materials that were discussed in the Mobility Forum on the subject of parking space management.

Parking management refers to the targeted control of stationary traffic, i.e. parked vehicles in the urban area. This can involve influencing the parking space by organizational, traffic law or structural means.

Parking management includes concepts for...

  • Parking fees and time-limited parking
  • parking guidance systems
  • Park&Ride options
  • Parking facilities for (coaches) buses
  • Design and management of parking facilities (large parking lots, parking garages)
  • Resident parking areas
  • Parking space regulations
  • and much more

Successful parking space management not only contributes to road safety (better visibility at junctions and crosswalks), but also strengthens the use of eco-mobility in particular and creates a higher quality of life in inner-city areas. The Mobility Forum is advising on the current redesign of parking space management in Erlangen.

In addition to the development of a new concept for parking space management in the entire city center, a central element is currently the revision of the parking space statutes of the city of Erlangen.

Materials from the sessions for download and further information

pdf, 704 KB

Minutes 25.10.22 - Parking space regulations

2021 beschloss der Erlanger Stadtrat die Überarbeitung der geltenden Stellplatzsatzung mit dem Ziel einer besseren Verkehrslenkung im Sinne des Klimaschutzes. In der Sitzung am 25.10.2022 diskutierte das Forum Mobilität welche Bestandteile der derzeitigen Satzung entfallen können, hinzugefügt oder angepasst werden müssen.
pdf, 398 KB

Minutes 23.05.22 - Parking space concept

In der Sitzung am 23.05.2022 des Forum Mobilität wurden die Ideen aus der vorangegangenen Sitzung zum Thema Parkraumkonzept Innenstadt konkretisiert und ausgearbeitet. Außerdem wurde ein Ausblick zum Thema Nahverkehrsplan gegeben.
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Minutes 17.02.22 - Parking space concept

Die Sitzung am 17.02.2022 des Forum Mobilität hatte Fortschritte bei der Entwicklung des Parkraumkonzeptes zum Ziel. Es wurden die Themen Behindertenparkplätze, Parkraumregelung, Parkraumzonierung, Tarifanpassung sowie Ladezonen bearbeitet.
pdf, 331 KB

Minutes 14.10.21 - Parking space concept

In der Sitzung am 14.10.2021 beratschlagte das Forum Mobilität zum Thema Parkraummanagement für die Innenstadt, schwerpunktmäßig ging es hierbei um Parkzonen und Parkgebühren.
pdf, 1003 KB

Minutes 22.06.21 - Parking space concept

In der Sitzung am 22.06.2021 wurde der Übergang des Forum VEP zum Nachfolgegremium Forum Mobilität organisiert. Des Weiteren begann die Auseinandersetzung mit einem Parkraumkonzept für die Innenstadt mit einem sensibilisierenden Input zum Thema Barrierefreiheit sowie der Vorstellung der Parkraumanalyse.
Forum_Mobility 01

Mobility Forum - Public participation in mobility planning

Mobility concerns everyone - children, adults, senior citizens, private individuals, companies, etc. - and so it is a central concern of the city of Erlangen to integrate participation processes into mobility planning. With its representatives, the advisory body "Mobility Forum" covers a wide range of interests and concerns.

Local transport plan forum

Mobility Forum - Local transport plan

A local transport plan defines fields of action and objectives in the area of local public transport. The Mobility Forum is actively involved in updating it.

Parking management forum

Mobility Forum - Parking space management

Here you will find information and materials that were discussed in the Mobility Forum on the subject of parking space management.

Picture from the meeting

Mobility Forum - focus on climate

Inner-city mobility has a major impact on our climate. The Mobility Forum has therefore addressed the connection between the two fields of climate and mobility and identified areas for action.


Transport development and mobility plan 2030 (VEP 2030)

The Transport Development and Mobility Plan 2030 (VEP 2030 for short) defines the objectives and strategies in the field of mobility in Erlangen for the next ten to 15 years. The strategies and recommended measures developed are intended to contribute to future-proof mobility and sustainable and environmentally friendly urban development.

Page, Car, MOTOR VEHICLE, E-mobility, Pedestrian, Cyclist, Bicycle, Bus, Railroad, SBahn, S-Bahn, Public transport, Station, E-scooter, Escooter, E-scooter, eauto, E-car, Electric vehicle, Electric car, E Car, Footpath, park, Streetcar, Traffic light, Infrastructure, VGN, Local traffic, Public transportation, Erlangen municipal utilities, Electromobility, 365-euro ticket, Parking, Parking lots, Parking lot, Parking garages, Parking garage, DB, German Railways, Bus lines, Mobile point, Stops, Car sharing, Train travel, Line network, Local public transport, PUBLIC TRANSPORT


On this page you will find an overview of all the important information about mobility and infrastructure in Erlangen.

Mobility Planning Department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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