Photo: Hugenottenplatz with city bus, cyclists and pedestrians

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Mobility & infrastructure

Mobility concerns everyone - children, adults, senior citizens, private individuals, companies, etc. - That is why it is important to us to integrate you and your interests into our mobility planning.

On this page you can find out about the current status and offers regarding mobility and infrastructure in Erlangen. For example, current participation opportunities, construction projects, charging stations, funding programs and current options such as mobility points or eScooters.


Several cyclists on a bridge.

Mobility advice for new residents

We provide information about alternatives to your own car, such as public transport, car sharing and cycling. You can receive vouchers and trial offers to test different forms of mobility.

Latest news


Gebbertstraße: work on district heating and new road surface

In the course of the construction work, there may be various adjustments to traffic routing and closures.

Parking lot sign.
Parking lot, Parking garage, Bicycle, Bicycles, park, Bicycle bracket, Bus travel, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, VGN, Erlangen municipal utilities, ESTW, Tickets, Means of transportation, Mobility, Public transportation, Car, Bus, Railroad

Parking in Erlangen

Since March 2024, charges in public parking spaces in the city center have been one euro for the first half hour. For each additional hour, the charge is 2.60 euros per hour. The fee for the large parking lot is 1.50 euros per hour. Parking fees are only due on working days.

Sign indicating that the parking area is closed.

Demolition of the old parking garage at the large parking lot

On Monday, February 24, demolition work will begin on the dilapidated multi-storey parking lot at the large parking lot in Parkplatzstraße. The aim is to create 255 regular parking spaces and four barrier-free parking spaces at this location by the fall - exactly as many as could last be used in the parking garage.

Train travels through the countryside.

We are building the StUB

As a sustainable and efficient transport alternative, the Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StUB) is to connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach and also the communities to the east of Erlangen.

Train travels through the countryside.

Change to the municipal boundary at Tennenlohe

Shifting the city boundary essentially serves to simplify administrative procedures for the construction of facilities for the Stadt-Umland-Bahn.

Get active!

Local transport plan forum

Mobility Forum - Local transport plan

A local transport plan defines fields of action and objectives in the area of local public transport. The Mobility Forum is actively involved in updating it.

Parking management forum

Mobility Forum - Parking space management

Here you will find information and materials that were discussed in the Mobility Forum on the subject of parking space management.

Forum_Mobility 01

Mobility Forum - Public participation in mobility planning

Mobility concerns everyone - children, adults, senior citizens, private individuals, companies, etc. - and so it is a central concern of the city of Erlangen to integrate participation processes into mobility planning. With its representatives, the advisory body "Mobility Forum" covers a wide range of interests and concerns.

Helping to shape Erlangen - our current projects

Shape Erlangen

Autobahndeckel A73

Gemeinsam mit dem Freistaat Bayern und der Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, sucht die Stadt Erlangen nach Lösungen, um den Lärmschutz im Stadtgebiet entlang der Bundesautobahn A 73 - zu verbessern.
Shape Erlangen

Expansion of mobility services

The city of Erlangen is expanding its mobility options by promoting electromobility and sharing services and linking different forms of mobility.
Shape Erlangen

Förderung des ÖPNV

Die Erlanger Innenstadt ist stark durch den Verkehr (parkende Fahrzeuge, Pendler*innenaufkommen etc.) belastet Um die Stadt vom Kfz-Verkehr zu entlasten und die Aufenthaltsqualität zu steigern, wird der öffentliche Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV) durch geeignete Maßnahmen weiter gestärkt.
Shape Erlangen

Parking space concept for Erlangen city center

A parking concept is being developed for Erlangen's city center together with affected stakeholders. The concept will then be tested as part of a pilot project. The aim is to reduce sidewalk parking, set up loading zones and develop new parking regulations.
Shape Erlangen

Schallershofer Straße – Möglichkeiten der Neugestaltung

Der einseitige Schutzstreifen für den Radverkehr auf der Schallershofer Straße wird regelmäßig von Autofahrenden überfahren und daher von den Fahrradfahrern nur mäßig angenommen. Gemeinsam mit der Bürgerschaft entwickelt das Fachamt nun Ideen einer Neugestaltung der Schallershofer Straße.

Important links

ADFC Erlangen Logo.
Page, Cycling, Cycling, Cycling, Mobility, Bicycle parking, Cycling tours, Bike tours, Bicycle lanes, Wheels, City cycling

ADFC Erlangen

The ADFC is the largest advocacy group for cyclists worldwide. The ADFC Erlangen participates with the city administration in the planning of bicycle traffic in Erlangen and the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt.

ESTW logo.
Page, Timetable, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, Mobility, Buses, Clinic line, Electromobility, Strikes, Public transportation, Means of transportation, Passenger traffic, Line networks, Tariffs, Tickets, VGN, Local traffic, Stops, One-way ticket, ESTW, Erlangen municipal utilities, DB, German Railways, Bus lines

Bus travel - timetables & NightLiner

Here you will find the latest timetables, changes to the timetable and other information on local transport services provided by Erlanger Stadtwerke (ESTW).

VGN logo.
Page, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, Public transportation, Local public transport, Line network, Bus travel, Stops, Ticket, Tariff, One-way ticket, 365-euro ticket, Station, Train travel, Railroad lines, Bus lines, ESTW, Erlangen municipal utilities, DB, German Railways, Mobility

Transport Association Greater Nuremberg (VGN)

All stops & route network of Erlangen: Tickets and price levels at a glance. For example MobiCards or the 365-euro ticket.

Urban-rural railroad
Page, StUB, Railroad, Local traffic, Mobility, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, mobile, Public, Building project, eMobility, electro, Environment, Climate, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Sustainability

Urban-Rural Railway - StUB

The Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StUB) was planned together with you. As a sustainable and efficient transport alternative for the region, it will connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach as well as the municipalities to the east of Erlangen.

Contact us

Mobility Planning Department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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Dienstag: 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Mittwoch: 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Individual appointments can also be arranged.