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Stand: 28.05.2024

On this page you can find out about the current status and offers for electric mobility in Erlangen. For example, charging stations, funding programs and current options such as Mobilpunkte or eScooters.

As part of the 2030 transport development and mobility plan, the promotion of electric charging infrastructure in Erlangen was examined and a concept for the installation of public charging stations was agreed. The most important target groups for the electric charging stations are visitors (interim charging) and residents who do not have their own parking spaces with a socket or wallbox. The focus is therefore on installing charging stations in the city center (e.g. large parking lots, theater parking lots) and in densely populated areas with significant multi-storey residential buildings. Based on the utilization of the planned stations and the development of the number of e-cars in Erlangen, a further gradual expansion is to take place together with Erlanger Stadtwerke by 2030.

Information on

Related topics

Mobility, Car sharing, Car, Means of transportation, Local traffic, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, Climate protection, Environmental protection, Electromobility, eCar

Mobile points

To encourage people to switch from private cars to other modes of transport, there are mobility points in the city. You can find the locations and further information on this overview.

e-mobility, Mobility, electro, eScooter, e-scooter, eRoller, Traffic

E-scooter in Erlangen

Here you will find the most important regulations and contact details for e-scooter sharing.

Mobility Planning Department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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