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Transport development and mobility plan 2030 (VEP 2030)

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Transport Development and Mobility Plan 2030 (VEP 2030 for short) defines the objectives and strategies in the field of mobility in Erlangen for the next ten to 15 years. The strategies and recommended measures developed are intended to contribute to future-proof mobility and sustainable and environmentally friendly urban development.

In 2011, the Erlangen City Council decided to update the transport development plan from 1995. Since then, surveys and analyses have been carried out on all important mobility issues affecting the city of Erlangen. In an extensive process, citizens, political representatives and stakeholders from clubs, associations and institutions were involved from the outset and were thus able to contribute their ideas and opinions.

In terms of content, the VEP 2030 deals with all mobility issues that are important for Erlangen. The focus is on improving the range of environmentally friendly modes of transport (walking, cycling and local public transport) in order to make future mobility more environmentally friendly. In addition, important aspects such as linking the various types of mobility, promoting electromobility, stationary traffic and the diverse interactions with the closely interwoven neighboring cities and surrounding districts are also addressed. The different types of mobility are considered on an equal footing and the focus is placed on the needs of road users as well as the environment and climate protection.

The result is an integrated guideline for the strategic development of mobility in Erlangen. The Transport Development and Mobility Plan 2030 provides concrete proposals for measures and objectives that will be gradually implemented over the coming years.

The VEP 2030 can be downloaded free of charge in a detailed long version and in a concise short version by clicking on the corresponding button.

Transport development plan short version

Traffic development plan long version

Mobility Planning Department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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