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Mobility Forum - focus on climate

Stand: 17.02.2025

Inner-city mobility has a major impact on our climate. The Mobility Forum has therefore addressed the connection between the two fields of climate and mobility and identified areas for action.

The connection between mobility and climate is obvious. Due toCO2 emissions, the mobility sector has a major impact on the climate and climate protection.

The following short-term fields of action have been identified:

  • Parking space concept
  • Clarification of existing regulations
  • Focus on travel times
  • Professional campaigns
  • Mobility management
  • Cooperation across urban areas
  • Transfer-free connections

The city of Erlangen is already implementing measures that contribute to the objectives of the fields of action. The measures in the area of mobility planning that correspond to the Climate Awakening Roadmap are to be implemented on a prioritized basis.

The special meeting made it possible to identify and discuss the fields of action and the associated measures. This allowed questions to be asked and recommendations for action to be added.

Materials from the session for download and further information

pdf, 2 MB

Presentation 30.01.2024 - Focus on climate

At the 9th meeting of the Mobility Forum on January 30, 2024, short-term fields of action in the mobility sector were identified with a focus on climate and climate protection. Measures were discussed and developed.
pdf, 531 KB

Documentation 30.01.2024 Focus on climate

At the 9th meeting of the Mobility Forum on January 30, 2024, short-term fields of action in the mobility sector were identified with a focus on climate and climate protection. Measures were discussed and developed.
Local transport plan forum
PUBLIC TRANSPORT, Public transportation, NVP, Line network, Tariffs, Tact, Accessibility, Ticket purchase, Link

Mobility Forum - Local transport plan

A local transport plan defines fields of action and objectives in the area of local public transport. The Mobility Forum is actively involved in updating it.

Forum_Mobility 01
Mobility, Citizen participation, Participation, Forum VEP

Mobility Forum - Public participation in mobility planning

Mobility concerns everyone - children, adults, senior citizens, private individuals, companies, etc. - and so it is a central concern of the city of Erlangen to integrate participation processes into mobility planning. With its representatives, the advisory body "Mobility Forum" covers a wide range of interests and concerns.

Parking management forum
Mobility Forum, Mobility, Parking, Traffic, Parking lot, Parking space regulations

Mobility Forum - Parking space management

Here you will find information and materials that were discussed in the Mobility Forum on the subject of parking space management.


Transport development and mobility plan 2030 (VEP 2030)

The Transport Development and Mobility Plan 2030 (VEP 2030 for short) defines the objectives and strategies in the field of mobility in Erlangen for the next ten to 15 years. The strategies and recommended measures developed are intended to contribute to future-proof mobility and sustainable and environmentally friendly urban development.

Page, Car, MOTOR VEHICLE, E-mobility, Pedestrian, Cyclist, Bicycle, Bus, Railroad, SBahn, S-Bahn, Public transport, Station, E-scooter, Escooter, E-scooter, eauto, E-car, Electric vehicle, Electric car, E Car, Footpath, park, Streetcar, Traffic light, Infrastructure, VGN, Local traffic, Public transportation, Erlangen municipal utilities, Electromobility, 365-euro ticket, Parking, Parking lots, Parking lot, Parking garages, Parking garage, DB, German Railways, Bus lines, Mobile point, Stops, Car sharing, Train travel, Line network, Local public transport, PUBLIC TRANSPORT


On this page you will find an overview of all the important information about mobility and infrastructure in Erlangen.