City council meeting in the Heinrich-Lades-Halle.

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Erlangen City Council

Take an active part in shaping Erlangen!

Come along to our monthly city council meetings. Because: Listening and shaping is expressly encouraged!

Latest news

A graphic of the Siemens Campus South residential module.

Urban and open space planning competition for Siemens Campus

The vision is a liveable and sustainable neighborhood with a wide range of housing options for different social target groups. Up to 2,000 apartments can be created on an area of around 150,000 square meters.

Blue, black and yellow garbage cans on a garden fence.

Amendment of the waste management statutes

In future, two neighboring property owners will be able to share a residual waste garbage can. In future, plastic waste bags will no longer be permitted.

Urban renewal, Climate, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Climate target, Climate emergency

Zollhausplatz becomes a "climate square"

The redesign of this town square is an important component of the city's measures and projects in light of the climate emergency declared on May 29, 2019.

Train travels through the countryside.

Referendum on the Stadt-Umland-Bahn

All those entitled to vote are expected to receive their voting notification at the beginning of May.

Representation of different euro bills

Budget 2024 amended

At the city council meeting on March 21, improvements and cuts to investment measures were decided.

The next meetings of the City Council

Come along to our monthly public city council meetings. Because: Listening and shaping is expressly encouraged!

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

"Future elementary school and all-day care" program

By 2026, all-day education and childcare for schoolchildren is to be guaranteed by a legal entitlement. This means that the city of Erlangen is obliged to consider ways of ensuring that youth welfare services and schools can meet this legal entitlement, to take appropriate measures and, in particular, to make elementary school "structurally fit" for this.
Shape Erlangen

A73 freeway lid

Together with the Free State of Bavaria and the federal highway company Autobahn GmbH, the city of Erlangen is looking for solutions to improve noise protection in the city area along the A 73 federal highway.
Shape Erlangen

Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium: Renovation and new construction of the gymnasium

Extensive renovation and new construction work is being carried out in the gymnasium area of the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium. Among other things, a double sports hall suitable for handball is being built.

Contact us

Meeting service

We prepare meetings (scheduling, invitations, compiling the agenda), conduct the meetings and take minutes of resolutions and notes.

The meeting documents and resolutions on the agenda items can be found in the city's council information system.

To the council information system


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr

Additional individual appointments