Election rune: Hand puts letter in urn.

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Elections & referendums in Erlangen

What was the result of the last local elections? Who did voters vote for in the last Bundestag or European elections in Erlangen? And how did the people of Erlangen vote in the referendum on the Stadt-Umland-Bahn in June 2024? Find out on this page.

When is the next election?

It will take place in the fall of 2025 with the Bundestag elections. The Basic Law specifies the time frame. Accordingly, it must take place between Wednesday, August 27, 2025 and Sunday, October 26, 2025. Find out more here.

EU election and referendum on the Stadt-Umland-Bahn on June 9, 2024

Results of previous elections

Election rune: Hand puts letter in urn.
Election results, Elections

Election results in Erlangen

Results of previous referendums

Steel ballot box with lettering City of Erlangen Electoral Office
Referendum, direct democracy

Referendums in Erlangen

Contact us

Statistics and urban research


Schuhstraße 11
91052 Erlangen


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Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00

Friday: 09:30 - 12:00