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Statistics Erlangen

Figures, data & facts

Here you will find current figures and time series - broken down into the main topics of population, construction and housing, labor market and economy, social affairs, education, security and municipal finances. This page is currently being expanded. If you cannot find the information you need, please contact us!

News from the area of statistics

Sweeper on the market square in Erlangen

Is it still clean?

The online survey on cleanliness and sustainability has begun. The services provided by the city's waste management, street cleaning and urban green services can be evaluated until March 23.

Current statistics, Living in Erlangen, Citizen survey

Evaluation of the citizens' survey "Living in Erlangen 2023"

Initial results of the citizens' survey "Living in Erlangen 2023" were published in the "Statistik aktuell" series.

Referendum, Urban-rural railroad, StUB, Current statistics

Current statistics 2024/05: Referendum on the urban-regional railroad

The referendum was held on June 9, 2024 together with the European elections.

Subject areas of statistics

Open Data, Geometry data, Social structure, Statistics

Open Data

Data for free download

Age structure, Foreigner quota, Population structure, Population data, Population

Statistics: Population and other population figures

Aerial view Erlangen 2022 Orangery
Land use, ALKIS, Real estate cadastre

Statistics: Urban area

Election rune: Hand puts letter in urn.
Election results, Elections

Election results in Erlangen

Steel ballot box with lettering City of Erlangen Electoral Office
Referendum, direct democracy

Referendums in Erlangen

Gear wheels
Unemployment, Employees, Companies, Gross domestic product, GDP, Commuters, Gainful employment, Manufacturing industry

Statistics: Labor market and economy

Tables and charts on the topics of employees subject to social security contributions, unemployment, manufacturing industry, employment, gross domestic product (GDP), commuters to and from Erlangen.

Wheelchair user
Severely disabled people, Children in daycare centers, Daycare centers

Statistics: Social affairs

School statistics, University, Pupil numbers

Statistics: Education

Highway signposts
Vehicle stock, New registrations, Overnight stays, Traffic accidents, Bicycle accidents

Statistics: Traffic

Tables and charts on the topics of cars by type of drive, number of motor vehicles, total road accidents, bicycle accidents, tourism and tourism

Residential building in Erlangen-Röthelheimpark Photo Gewobau Erlangen
Building statistics, Statistics, Building permits, Building completions, Social housing

Statistics: Building and housing

Euro coins and bills
Debts, Revenue, Expenditure

Statistics: Municipal finances

Bicycle theft
Criminal offenses, Theft, Bicycle theft

Statistics: Security

Pauli Fountain in winter Photo City of Erlangen
Weather data, Climate, Weather observation, Annual values, Monthly values, Land use

Statistics: Weather and climate

Current statistics - Reports for download

pdf, 5 MB

2024.05 Referendum on the Stadt-Umland-Bahn on 09.06.2024

Voting result and voting analysis, voting behavior along the planned route
pdf, 4 MB, Election analysis, "Current statistics", Election report, State election

2023.04 State election 2023 in Erlangen - Election analysis

Results from the constituencies, voting behavior in the strongholds, social structure and voting behavior
pdf, 4 MB

2023.02 Small-area population forecast 2023 - 2038

Small-scale population forecast for the city of Erlangen up to the year 2038
pdf, 23 MB, Population structure, Social structure, Statistical districts, small-scale data, Social structure in the statistical districts

2022.03 Small-scale social structure of the city of Erlangen 2021

the most important structural data for the 39 built-up statistical districts: population, households, housing stock, social situation
pdf, 3 MB, Population structure, Social structure, Statistical districts, small-scale data, Social structure in the statistical districts

2021.01 Small-scale social structure of the city of Erlangen 2020

Current statistics 2021.01 Small-scale social structure of the city of Erlangen 2020

Further information from the statistics

Contact us

Statistics and urban research


Schuhstraße 11
91052 Erlangen


On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Please contact us by phone, e-mail or contact form.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00

Friday: 09:30 - 12:00