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Qualified rent index for Erlangen

Erlangen rent index 2025: survey has begun

Over the next few days, 4,000 randomly selected tenants in Erlangen will be asked to take part in the survey for the creation of the new rent index. Since the rent index reform in 2021, respondents to the rent index have been legally obliged to provide information in accordance with Art. 238 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code! Anyone who is contacted by the City of Erlangen for the rent index survey can either participate online or via the paper questionnaire sent out with it.

A new feature of the 2025 survey is that landlords will also be asked about the apartments in question, albeit with a slightly shorter questionnaire. In contrast to tenants, they can provide information about the characteristics of the entire building and, for example, its modernization. This is important in order to obtain as complete and accurate a picture as possible of the housing situation. As the survey is carried out in two stages, landlords will not be surveyed until March.

The 2023 rent index will remain valid until the new rent index is published in October 2025.

Determine the local comparative rent now:

The rent index is available as an online version with automatic calculation and PDF download of the result and as a rent index brochure to print out (PDF download). You also have the option of ordering printed copies for a nominal fee of 3 euros per copy (plus postage costs). If you want to fill out the rent index brochure by hand, you can use the small tool "Calculate location features for the paper features" to easily determine all spatial features such as the distance to the nearest bus stop.

Rent index 2023 online version

Rent index 2023 PDF file to print out

Order printed copies of the rent index 2023

Calculate location features for the rent index brochure

Service for you

The rent index provides you with an overview of local comparative rents for apartments and single-family homes in Erlangen. The information makes it easier for parties to rental agreements to make decisions on rental price matters and is intended to prevent disputes and court proceedings as far as possible. In this way, it contributes to an objective discussion about rents.

You can use the rent index to determine the local comparative rent. It is not used to set prices. The local comparative rent only includes the pure net cold rent in euros per square meter. "Operating or ancillary costs" are not included. The basic net rent is calculated as a function of the living space. The influence of the type, furnishings, condition and location of the apartments and single-family homes is taken into account when determining the local comparative rent with percentage mark-ups and mark-downs.

Scientific background

The rent index was prepared in accordance with recognized scientific principles and approved as a qualified rent index by the Erlangen City Council at its meeting on 28 October 2023. It replaces the previously valid rent index 2021 as of this date.

The Erlangen rent index 2021 was compiled on the basis of a representative empirical survey in the period from January to May 2021 on the basis of new contracts and rent increases over the last six years (February 2015 to January 2021 inclusive). In accordance with the provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB), these results were updated with the help of a new survey of tenant households in the period from January to May 2023. The 2023 rent index is valid until it is updated in 2025.

Legal permissibility of rent increases

The rent index makes no statement on the legal admissibility of a rent increase request (existing rents) or the legal admissibility of the rent level for re-letting (rent cap).

Do you have any questions about the rent index?

Please feel free to contact us! Here you will find our contact options & opening hours.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Further information & news

White icon on a pink background.
Rent index, Rent index, Rent

Rent index statutes

Statutes on the housing surveys of the city of Erlangen with regard to the "Erlangen rent index" (rent index statutes - MietS) dated 29.06.2006 in the version dated 16.05.2018

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Rent, Tenancy law, Tenancy

Rent index; requirement

If you would like to know the rents in the apartments in your area, you can usually find out in the rent index of your city or municipality.

Contact us

Rent index Erlangen

We are responsible for compiling the Erlangen rent index, advising on its use and sending out printed copies of the rent index.


Schuhstraße 11
91052 Erlangen


On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Please contact us by phone, e-mail or contact form.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00

Friday 09:30 - 12:00