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Service portal - Open data, statistics & digital issues

Digitalization and broadband expansion are not only an important location factor for residents and companies, but also provide important services for citizens. Whether transport, statistics or nature: freely accessible information is a step towards greater transparency and proximity to citizens. Here you will find information and services that are available to the public in Erlangen.

Service A-Z


Bundestag election; submission of an election proposal

Each political party can submit an election proposal (state list or district election proposal). District election nominations (at constituency level) may also be submitted by individual voters or groups of voters.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Communication with municipalities; transmission of messages and documents

You can also communicate with a local authority online.
Service, Internet, GDPR, data protection officer, data protection officer, data protection declaration, data protection information, EU General Data Protection Regulation, EU General Data Protection Regulation, Art. 13 and 14 GDPR, processing activity, information obligations, data protection law, data processing, data processing,

Data protection; information, advice and monitoring in public bodies

Public bodies that process personal data automatically must appoint a data protection officer. These have various tasks.

Service, Outpatient care services, Municipal survey, Municipal care planning, Determination of care requirements, Senior citizen survey, Senior citizens' assistance planning, Overall concept for senior citizens, Inpatient long-term care facilities, outpatient assisted living communities, Day care

Determination of care requirements; transmission of data

Surveys are carried out to determine the need for fully inpatient, semi-inpatient and outpatient care facilities. The existing care facilities are determined and future requirements are calculated.


Election assistant; appointment

As honorary members of the electoral and postal ballot boards, electoral assistants are responsible for the proper conduct of elections and votes and for determining and establishing the results.


Elections; support for the electoral bodies

Depending on the election or vote, the district administrative authorities are the seat of the electoral bodies at district level. They support the electoral bodies in carrying out their activities.

Service, Federal elections, European elections, State elections, Eligibility to vote, Electoral roll

European, Bundestag and Landtag elections; inspection of the electoral roll

The municipal authorities keep a list of eligible voters for each electoral district.


Freedom of information; request for information from a Bavarian authority

You can obtain information about the content of files and records of public authorities.
Service, Mayor, mayoral matters, Municipal council

Mayoral and municipal council matters; information

The Bavarian municipal code has two main bodies: the municipal council elected by the people and the first mayor, who is also directly elected by the people. They have legally defined areas of competence.
Service, Mayor, Municipal council, Councillors, Councillors, Municipal elections, Local elections, Election day

Municipal election; conduct of the election of the first mayor and members of the municipal council

The first mayor and the municipal council members are generally elected for 6 years. Depending on the size of the municipality, 8 to 80 municipal councillors are elected.

Municipal information and communication technology; information on system support

System support or system administration is responsible for managing the computer systems in the local authority.

Municipal information and communication technology; information on user service

The IT user service ensures the smooth deployment and coordinated use of IT at municipal authorities.

Latest news

Young woman shows a young man something on the PC
School, Bilidung, Teenagers, Parents, Consulting, Education, Profession

JUST Best - JUGEND STÄRKEN - Bridges to independence

Individual support for young people.

Person with tattoos
Volunteering, the companions, Godfather, Educational sponsorship, Educational sponsor, Children and young people, Education, School

Education mentors wanted

Support a child or young person with school-related issues and accompany their personal development with your valuable experience.


Climate protection at our school

Winning tandem of the international school competition announced

Referendum, Urban-rural railroad, StUB, Current statistics

Current statistics 2024/05: Referendum on the urban-regional railroad

Statistik aktuell 5/2024 looks at the results of the referendum on the construction of the Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StUB).

online appointment booking, Online service, OZG, Online Access Act, Digitization, digital, Smart City, Arrange appointments, Online appointment, online procedure, Web form, eForm, Secure communication

Arrange appointments

The responsible offices can thus prepare individually for your visit in advance.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

"Future elementary school and all-day care" program

By 2026, all-day education and childcare for schoolchildren is to be guaranteed by a legal entitlement. This means that the city of Erlangen is obliged to consider ways of ensuring that youth welfare services and schools can meet this legal entitlement, to take appropriate measures and, in particular, to make elementary school "structurally fit" for this.
Shape Erlangen

A73 freeway lid

Together with the Free State of Bavaria and the federal highway company Autobahn GmbH, the city of Erlangen is looking for solutions to improve noise protection in the city area along the A 73 federal highway.
Shape Erlangen

Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium: Renovation and new construction of the gymnasium

Extensive renovation and new construction work is being carried out in the gymnasium area of the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium. Among other things, a double sports hall suitable for handball is being built.
Shape Erlangen

Allotment garden concept "Gardening in Erlangen"

A concept is being developed for new garden areas in the city of Erlangen. The potentially suitable areas for allotment gardens and other offers are shown and evaluated.