Data protection; information, advice and monitoring in public bodies
Public bodies that process personal data automatically must appoint a data protection officer. These have various tasks.
Stand: 03.07.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
All Bavarian authorities and other Bavarian public bodies (e.g. municipalities, district offices, governments, district hospitals) that process personal data must appoint an official data protection officer. It is possible for several public bodies to appoint a joint data protection officer, who does not have to be an employee of the responsible bodies and can also be represented and supported by other persons. The contact details of the data protection officer must be published in an easily accessible manner; the name of the data protection officer does not have to be included in the publication.
The data protection officer has the following statutory duties:
- Information and advice
The data protection officer informs and advises the controller and the employees who carry out processing operations with regard to their obligations under data protection law and is involved in all matters relating to the protection of personal data - Monitoring
The data protection officer monitors compliance with the controller's data protection regulations and strategies for the protection of personal data - Advice on the data protection impact assessment
Upon request, the Data Protection Officer advises the controller in connection with a data protection impact assessment and monitors its implementation - Cooperation with the supervisory authority
The data protection officer cooperates with the data protection supervisory authority and is its point of contact for data protection issues - Support for data subjects
Data subjects can consult the data protection officer on all issues relating to the processing of their data and the exercise of their rights under the General Data Protection Regulation - Opinion prior to the use of automated procedures
The data protection officer must be given the opportunity to comment prior to the use of or a significant change to an automated procedure with which personal data is processed - Opinion on planned video surveillance
Public bodies must inform the data protection officer in good time before the use of video surveillance and give him the opportunity to comment
Assignment of further tasks
The following tasks of the controller under the GDPR may be transferred to the data protection officer
- Implementing the notification of data breaches to the supervisory authority
- Coordination in the implementation of the rights of data subjects pursuant to Art. 12 et seq. of the GDPR.
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
If you have any questions about video surveillance by companies or private individuals, please contact the responsible Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision( There you will also find information on the subject of video surveillance by companies and private individuals.
The City of Erlangen's data protection information in accordance with Art. 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be found here:
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision
Data protection officer
Data Protection Officer: Juliane Kreller
The data protection officer of the City of Erlangen is responsible for all matters relating to compliance with data protection regulations by the City of Erlangen. The data protection officers of the respective authorities or companies are responsible for compliance with data protection by other public and private bodies (e.g. police, banks, insurance companies). If you have any questions about video surveillance by companies or private individuals, please contact the responsible Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision(
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Get in touch with us by phone, email or contact form.
Telephone availability:Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30
Friday: 08:30 - 12:00