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The rent index - why it counts for your home

Stand: 13.01.2025

A portrait of the Statistics and Urban Research department. It plays a decisive role in the analysis and planning of public funds.

Data, which is often collected over longer periods of time, forms the basis for forecasts, for example, in order to plan the need for educational facilities in advance and to design social infrastructure effectively. The department also provides administration, citizens and institutions with essential information on various areas of public life. A total of eight employees work together in "Statistics" - all with different professional backgrounds: Administrative staff, social scientists and geographers jointly compile data from various sources and conduct surveys to gain insights into the respective topic. One focus of the work is currently the preparation of the new qualified rent index 2025.

A report on the work of the Statistics and Urban Research department can be found in the city newspaper "Rathausplatz 1" - January 2025 issue.

Facts and figures about Erlangen

A group of young people are sitting on a wall.
Page, Demography, Erlangen, Statistics, Data, Statistics, Figures, Citizen survey, Population level, Election results, Social monitoring, Social structure, Population forecast, Social space analysis, Social report, Election analysis

Statistics Erlangen

The statistics express life in Erlangen in figures. Here you will find various statistics on the city of Erlangen, including data on the composition of the population, demographics and migration. Statistics on economic power, unemployment, traffic, housing construction and much more.

Orange house front.
Page, Rent index, Rental prices, Rent, Rent index, Garage rental, Parking space rental, Single room

Rent index

The rent index provides you with an overview of local comparative rents for apartments and detached houses in Erlangen.

A young woman with a ballot paper in a polling booth.
Page, Statistics, Data, Elections, Results, Election results, Choice, Local elections

Elections & decisions

At a glance: The results of all elections in Erlangen since 1946 and of municipal referendums since 1998

Statistics and urban research


Schuhstraße 11
91052 Erlangen


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Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00

Friday: 09:30 - 12:00