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Thomas Ternes - Legal, Human Resources and Digitalization Officer

Stand: 28.05.2024

Thomas Ternes has been a full-time city councillor since 2016 and is currently Head of the Department of Legal Affairs, Human Resources and Digitalization.

Curriculum vitae

Portraitfoto des Referenten Thomas TernesI was born in March 1965. After graduating from Albrecht-Dürer-Gymnasium in Nuremberg and completing my military service in Regensburg, I began studying law in Erlangen, which I completed in 1992. I passed my second state examination in law in 1995. In the same year, I began my professional career as a judge at the Bavarian Administrative Court in Ansbach. In 1998, I moved to the City of Erlangen, where I worked as a legal advisor in the legal department. In 2000, I took over the management of the municipal building inspectorate. From 2004 to 2008, I was also a lecturer in public building law at the Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg. From 2008, I was Head of Personnel, Organization, Fire and Disaster Protection for the City of Erlangen. Since 1 March 2016, I have been Head of the Department of Law, Human Resources and Digitization.

Thomas Ternes in conversation

Unit III - Legal Affairs, Human Resources and Digitalization

Head of unit: Thomas Ternes


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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