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Harald Lang - Planning and Construction Officer

Stand: 21.06.2024

Harald Lang has been the head of the Planning and Building Department as a professional city councillor since 2023.

Curriculum vitae

Portrait Harald Lang.

Born in Bamberg, I studied architecture and urban planning in Stuttgart. After successful years in a planning office with many urban planning competition successes and projects, I completed the 2nd state examination in Munich to become a government master builder in the field of structural engineering.

I then began my municipal career with the city of Erlangen in the Röthelheimpark project group and as head of department in the city planning office. My move to Bamberg as Head of the Urban Planning Office was also accompanied by the takeover of the special projects Landesgartenschau 2012 and the conversion of industrial areas. From 2013, as Head of the Office for Strategic Development and Conversion, I led the conversion areas into an urban-friendly transformation and marketing as a project developer for the city and, among other things, established the new Lagarde-Campus urban quarter with 21 ha as a nationally recognized and subsidized energy model quarter with 75% renewable energy generation in the quarter.

I am head of the Planning and Construction Department with the Office for Building Management, the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, the Building Supervisory Office and the Civil Engineering Office. At the same time, the department performs special tasks and is the liaison office for various planning associations, clubs and societies. We are the point of contact and advisor for strategically relevant inquiries and see ourselves as a municipal partner for issues from the above-mentioned specialist areas.

Harald Lang in conversation

Unit VI - Planning and Construction

Head of unit: Harald Lang


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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Mittwoch: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

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