Plant shoot grows.

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Climate and environmental heroes

Do you care about the environment? Do you want to protect and preserve our flora and fauna and our global climate? Here you can find out how you can effectively protect the environment and the climate in Erlangen and beyond. Often, even small changes in behavior or consumption are enough. We provide you with all the information and numerous everyday tips to reduce your ecological footprint.

Latest news

Wheel, Cargo bike, Promotion, Bicycle

Promotion of cargo bikes

As in previous years, the city of Erlangen has once again launched a funding program this year.


Climate protection at our school

Winning tandem of the international school competition announced


Biocity Erlangen

Erlangen is a member of the Organic Cities Network

Calendar of events


Environment, climate & energy

Still not sure what you want to do this evening or at the weekend? Whether exhibitions, workshops and much more - those interested in environmental protection and energy issues will find many opportunities for leisure activities in Erlangen. Let our calendar of events inspire you!

From 2030: Erlangen climate-neutral

Climate awakening, Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Climate resolution, Climate change, Climate target, Climate emergency, Departure, Research, Climate awakening, Climate protection

Climate awakening

With Climate Awakening, Erlangen is on its way to climate neutrality. Find out which measures are to be implemented and what you can do personally here.

Climate, Climate awakening, Climate protection, City contract Climate, Own contribution

City contract Climate

The time has come: the Climate City Contract has been published and now it's up to you! Show what contribution you personally (or your institution) would like to make to climate action and join the great climate movement.

Climate protection, Climate, Climate awakening, Climate neutrality, Catalog of measures

Moving towards climate neutrality

The Climate Action Roadmap has been drawn up and 41 climate protection measures have been developed - what happens now? Here you will find the latest developments on Climate Awakening.

Support programs

Raised bed_old town
Climate, Environment, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Sustainability, Climate target, Promotion, Climate emergency

Tackling the climate budget

The application deadline for the next funding period is March 1, 2025!

Climate budget_symbol
Climate, Climate budget, Climate awakening, Promotion, Subsidy

We have been funded! - Projects from the climate budget

Information events, swapping campaigns, upcycling workshops and creative hands-on climate campaigns - the citizens of Erlangen have rolled up their sleeves and implemented great climate protection projects in their neighborhoods. Thanks to Erlangen's city and district advisory councils and the climate budget, these projects were 100% financed. Find out more about the climate budget projects that have already been realized and perhaps be inspired to start your own project. Contact on request:

Service, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Climate, Solar, PV, Promotion, Support program, Solar system, PV system, PV system, Refurbishment, Energy-efficient refurbishment, Insulation

Energy saving and use of renewable energies; application for municipal funding

Municipalities can promote the energy-efficient refurbishment of buildings and the use of renewable energies in the municipal area.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Roof greening, Facade greening, Tree planting, Unsealing, Flowering area, Climate

Nature conservation; application for municipal funding

Municipalities and districts can promote more natural and green spaces or education in this area.

Environmental protection; application for municipal funding

Municipalities can promote environmental protection projects or education in this area.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Bicycle traffic; application for municipal funding

Municipalities can promote cycling. For example, they can grant a subsidy for the purchase of a bicycle.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Environment, Sustainability, Climate target, Climate budget

Climate awakening

Erlangen wants to achieve climate neutrality across the entire city by 2030. A unique project has been launched to achieve this. With the "Climate Awakening Roadmap", an entire city has been setting out since fall 2022 to make its contribution to curbing global warming.
Shape Erlangen

Erlangen wastewater treatment plant - expansion concept 2030: elimination of trace substances

The existing wastewater treatment process leaves trace substances from pharmaceuticals and personal care products as well as certain industrial and household chemicals almost completely in the treated wastewater. A 4th purification stage is necessary to treat the wastewater accordingly before it flows back into the Regnitz.
Shape Erlangen

Sustainability and Climate Center

The "Sustainability and Climate Center" (working title) is intended to create a central point of contact for all Erlangen residents who are interested in climate protection, want to find out more or get involved.