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Current waiting times in the service area on the first floor of the town hall

You do not need to make an appointment during our opening hours. Depending on the service you require, you can take a number from the dispensing machine on the first floor of the Town Hall via the "Citizens' Services" or "Driver's License Matters" button (separate waiting area in front of rooms 21/22). You will be called to the relevant counter via a display in the waiting areas. With the online waiting time display, you can leave the waiting area if you have to wait a long time and track your waiting status on your smartphone, for example. If the number of visitors is high, the Citizens' Service reserves the right to stop issuing numbers for the waiting area up to 60 minutes before closing time. In this case, please complete your request on another day.

You can make an appointment online to exchange your driver's license

Online waiting time display:

Wartende Personen:57
Aktuelle Aufrufnummer:B333
Durchschnittliche Wartezeit:74 Minuten

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