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Opening hours

Stand: 10.07.2024

Our offices have different opening hours. An appointment must be made to visit almost all offices.

Here you will find the opening hours and contact details of our offices

You do not need an appointment to visit

  • to our Citizens ' Service on the first floor of the Town Hall (applying for ID cards, re-registration, driving license matters, certificates of good conduct, vehicle registration). If there is a high volume of visitors, the Citizens' Service reserves the right to stop issuing numbers for the waiting area up to 60 minutes before closing time. In this case, please deal with your request on another day. You can make an appointment to exchange your driver's license online.
  • to the welcome desk of the Foreigners' Registration Office on the 2nd floor of the Town Hall.

Sometimes our offices and facilities have to close at short notice. In these cases, we will inform you on the website www.erlangen.de/themenseite/service.

Do you need help? The central telephone number of the city administration is 09131 86-0.

Free travel on buses in the city center

Since January 1, 2024, it has been "free travel" on all bus routes within the free city center area of Erlangen. It is easy to see which bus stops are in the city center area: The names of the stops are highlighted in yellow and orange on the signs. If you want a ride, you can simply get on the bus. You do not need to buy a ticket.

Find out more about the free city center area here - and your way to us

Your city administration

Page, Business distribution plan, Administration, Organization, Offices, Overview, Organizational chart

Contact & office search

Organization chart and business distribution plan of the city of Erlangen. What offices and departments are there in the city?

Waiting time
Page, Waiting time, Current waiting time, Citizens' office, Citizen service, Town hall square

Current waiting time at the citizens' office

Current waiting time in the service area of the Citizens' Registration Office on the first floor of the town hall: With the online waiting time display, you can leave the waiting area if you have to wait a long time and track your waiting status on your smartphone, for example.

online appointment booking, Online service, OZG, Online Access Act, Digitization, digital, Smart City, Arrange appointments, Online appointment, online procedure, Web form, eForm, Secure communication

Arrange appointments

The responsible offices can thus prepare individually for your visit in advance.

Town hall

Opening hours - in easy language

Do you need something from the town hall? Then you need to make an appointment


Working for the city

Our team consists of around 3,000 committed and motivated colleagues. Get to know us and support us in making Erlangen even more attractive!

Preview of training and studies
Page, Education, Study, City administration

Training & studies

An overview of all current study and training places in Erlangen. Apply now!

Woman smiling in meeting with tablet_thumbnail_main_page
Page, Jobs, Career, Vacancies, Education, Study, Vacancy, Job offer, Job, study, Dual study program, Dual study program, Vacancies, Junior staff, Apprentice, Junior staff, Job opportunity, Internship, Internships


All current vacancies, jobs and career opportunities at the City of Erlangen at a glance. Apply now!

A woman with a camera.

Youtube channel

Information from the town hall in moving pictures.

Woman sitting at her laptop.
Education office, Volunteering, ErlangenPass, Diversity, Equal opportunities, Diversity, Mobile library, Youth art school, Juks, Youth Parliament, City library, City Museum, Environmental Agency, VHS Erlangen, Adult education center

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Young people sit on the grass.
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Latest news

News section of the city of Erlangen: All the latest news from the city administration at a glance.